Bank Shareholders

Currently, the total amount of the bank's outstanding shares is 15 476 078 265 ordinary registered shares with a par value of UZS 1 000. The total amount of offered shares is UZS 15 476 078 265 000.

The bank's shareholder structure is as follows:

  • Ministry of Economy and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan– 6 302 365 423 ordinary registered shares with a par value of UZS 1 000, totaling UZS 6 302 365 423 000 or 40.7%;

  • The Fund for Reconstruction and Development the Republic of Uzbekistan - 9 173 712 842 ordinary registered shares with a par value of UZS 1 000 totaling UZS 9 173 712 842 000 or 59.3%.

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