ID 5-006-0001 - Management contact details and their reception hours
ID 5-006-0002 - Information about the state and economic management body, local government authority (name, location, mode of operation, contact numbers for working with the population, official website, email address, name of the head, geography)
ID 5-006-0003 - Information on subordinate organizations, branches and regional divisions of the organization (name, location, mode of operation, contact numbers for working with the population, the official website, email address, name of the head, geolocation)
ID 5-006-0004 - Information on existing vacancies
ID 5-006-0005 - Information on citizens' appeals in the context of the results of their consideration and channels of treatment (by phone, in writing, through the website, by e-mail)
ID 5-006-0006 - Bank shareholders
ID 5-006-0007 - Information on loan rates (rates)
ID 5-006-0008 - Number of loans issued
ID 5-006-0009 - Deposit Information
ID 5-006-0010 - Information on plastic cards (the number of issued plastic cards, pieces)
ID 5-006-0011 - Information on money transfers (number of customers who received / sent transfers; amount of received / sent transfers)
ID 5-006-0012 - Foreign credit lines
ID 5-006-0013 - Export and Import Financing
ID 5-006-0014 - Dividend payout history
ID 5-006-0015 - Information on public procurement, including goods (works, services) purchased under direct contracts by public procurement entities
ID 5-006-0016 - "Expenses of officials' business trips and reception of foreign visitors (purpose of the business trip or visit, per diem, transportation and living expenses (excluding state secrets and information intended for official use)."
ID 5-006-0017 - Information on the names and surnames of the members of the executive body (director, chairman of the board, board members) and the supervisory board of state-owned enterprises, which themselves perform the functions of a shareholder (participant, owner)
ID 5-006-0018 - In addition to the approved annual cost estimate, its implementation, including the construction, reconstruction and capital repair of facilities, the cost of purchasing and maintaining motor vehicles, and other information
ID 5-006-0019 - Information about service motor vehicles, service houses and other real estate , unfinished objects in the possession of state bodies and organizations (with the exception of items used in emergency search, military and other special services)
1 - Information on the composition of procurement commissions established under government procurement and investment projects as well as the issuance of permits