With Friends, There Are Many of Us
Recommend opening a business accaunt with NBU and get rewards as a part of campaign "With Friends, There Are Many of Us" till 31.12.2025

How can you become a participant in the campaign?
Register as a participant of the campaign and wait for a call from the NBU representative
Get a unique promo code to use when sending recommendations to the bank
Invite your friends or clients who are engaged in business to open a bank account for their company with the NBU
If they give their consents, send their contact details to the NBU using a special form
Receive a reward in the amount of 200 thousand UZS for each client who opens an account with the NBU based on your recommendation
Become a member of the affiliate program

How can you get a reward?
Send the contact details of the client who plans to open an account with the NBU on your recommendation using a special form
Be sure to specify your promo code of the campaign participant and fill in the data about the shared contact: full name of the owner, Tax ID and company name, phone number
The client must come to open an account with the NBU within 10 calendar days after you send client's details
When the client opens a business bank account with the NBU on your recommendation, you will get a reward
Payments of accrued remuneration in the amount of 200 thousand UZS will be made once a month for each client