About the Bank

The National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established by Decree of the first President of our country I. Karimov in September 1991.

Based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4540 dated November 30, 2019 on Measures to transform the organizational form of the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan from Unitary Enterprise into a Joint-Stock Company, Uzbek National Bank was transformed into a Joint-Stock Company.

Ministry of Economy and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan are the shareholders of NBU JSC.

The mission and scope of NBU JSC include:

  • active lending to large investment projects in priority sectors of the economy with the involvement of foreign credit lines, resources in international capital markets, funds of foreign investors;

  • introduction of innovative financial products to improve the quality and terms of service;

  • banking services to small businesses and private entrepreneurship, as well as financial advice and information support in foreign economic activity;

  • development of retail banking services for people, introduction of new banking services, including services by means of information and communication technologies;

  • diversification of sources intended for the bank funding primarily through the mobilization of long-term funds in national currency;

  • development of products assortment and expansion of the geography of the trade and export financing business, as well as support of programs for developing the export potential of the republic, as well as consulting services to exporters;

  • investment banking services to corporate clients, including the service of securities issue and placement in the domestic and foreign markets.

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