
Opening and maintenance of bank accounts

1.1 Opening of savings (provisional) account for the formation of the company's share capital

no commission fee

1.2 Opening of bank account in national currency

no commission fee

1.3 Opening of the second and subsequent accounts in national currency

no commission fee

1.4 Opening of bank account in foreign currency

no commission fee

1.5 Opening of the second and subsequent accounts in foreign currency

no commission fee

1.6 Connection of the Bank-Client PC system

no commission fee

1.7 Calling a specialist for consulting services on I Bank distant services system

no commission fee

1.8 Loss/damage of I Bank Distant Servicing System EDS key by the client

1,7 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT

1.9 Closing of bank account

no commission fee

1.10 Accrual of interest on the minimum balance on the Client's bank account in the national currency

At the interest rate agreed between the Bank and the Client (subject to the conclusion of an additional agreement)

1.11 Account statements and appendices to statements on transactions

no commission fee

1.12 Duplicate statements (upon Client's written request)

17% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

1.13 Duplicate payment document (upon Client's request)

a) for the transactions up to 14 calendar days

12% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

b) for the transactions after 14 calendar days

17% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

1.14 Bank account opening confirmation issued when opening an account (upon Client's request)

no commission fee

1.15 Bank savings account opening confirmation and confirmation of making a contribution to the share capital when opening a savings account with the Bank (upon Client's request)

no commission fee

1.16 Bank account closure certificate issued when closing a bank account (upon Client's request)

no commission fee

1.17 Certificate of availability/status of the bank account (upon Client's written request)

12% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

1.18 Certificate (Statement) on monthly turnover on Clients' accounts (upon Client's written request)

a) on the day of application

20% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

b) on the following day

15% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

1.19 Non-standard information on the account (upon Client's written request)

15% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

1.20 Search on behalf of the Client for the money amounts the Client transferred from the Bank

25% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT + postal and telegraph expenses

1.21 Search for the money amounts not received to the Client's account from other credit and financial institutions

25% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT + postal and telegraph expenses

1.22 Execution of a payment order on paper upon Client's request

15% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

1.23 Operations to receive and send payment requests

25% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

Money transfers from bank accounts

2.1 in national currency

2.1.1 Transfer of money to the Client's bank account

no commission fee

2.1.2 Transfer of funds from the Client's bank account to another bank account

0.5% of the transfer amount + 1.5 of the costs to be paid to the Main Center of Informatisation (MCI) of the Central Bank in the Republic of Uzbekistan

2.1.3 Transfer of money from the Client's bank account to accounts of the National Bank system:

0.1% of the transfer amount

2.1.4 Transfer of money from the Client's bank account to accounts of the National Bank system:
- to other accounts of this Client
- to repay a loan issued by the National Bank
- to accounts conversion
- to deposit accounts to purchase securities and other assets from the National Bank

no commission fee

2.1.5 Transfer of money from budget accounts of budget organizations

no commission fee

2.1.6 Execution of the payment order of the taxpayer on collection of taxes in the budget system of the Republic of Uzbekistan and collection order

no commission fee

2.1.7 Transfer of money from the Client's bank account to the budget, state extra-budgetary funds, customs authorities, enforcement agencies (against enforcement documents)

no commission fee

2.1.8 Payments in favor of enterprises, institutions and organizations providing services of public utilities (electricity, gas, heat, etc.) with which the Bank has concluded agreements

2% of the transferred amount in accordance with the concluded agreement

2.2 in foreign currency

2.2.1 Transfer of money to the Client's bank account

no commission fee

2.2.2 Transfer of money from the Client's bank account outside the Republic:
a) with expenses for the beneficiary (SHA / BEN)
b) with no expenses for beneficiary (OUR)

0.15% of the transfer amount + SWIFT/TELEX expenses
0.15% of the transfer amount + SWIFT/TELEX expenses + foreign bank fees on actual basis in the transfer currency or equivalent in the national currency at the Central Bank exchange rate on the day of transaction (only if the client's account has no its own currency) commission is not charged from the part of funds exceeding equiv. $1.8 million

2.2.3 Urgent transfer of money from the Client's bank account outside the Republic:
a) with expenses for the beneficiary (SHA / BEN)
b) with no expenses for beneficiary (OUR)

0.2% of the transfer amount + SWIFT/TELEX expenses
0.2% of the transfer amount + SWIFT/TELEX expenses + foreign bank fees on actual basis in the transfer currency or equivalent in the national currency at the Central Bank exchange rate on the day of transaction (only if the client's account has no its own currency)

2.2.4 Transfer of money from the Client's bank account to accounts in other banks inside the Republic

0.1% of the transfer amount + SWIFT/TELEX expenses, max. 15 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT

2.2.5 Transfer of money from the Client's bank account to accounts of the National Bank system:

15% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

2.2.6 Change of payment transfer terms after acceptance of payment for transfer

60% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT + SWIFT/TELEX expenses + foreign bank fees

2.2.7 Refund, cancellation of payment (not through the fault of the Bank) after its acceptance for transfer

90% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT + SWIFT/TELEX expenses + foreign bank fees

2.2.8 Return of documents unpaid or withheld from payment

Postage expenses + expenses of foreign bank

2.2.9 Postal-SWIFT/TELEX costs

85% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

a) SWIFT/TELEX communication in any direction

85% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT from a resident / USD 25, including VAT from a nonresident

b) postal charges

as actually accrued

2.2.10 SWIFT/TELEX communication in Uzbekistan (to other banks)

35% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

a) received amount in cash/non-cash form into the client's account (except RUB)

1% of the amount

b) exchange of RUB received in cash/non-cash form into the client's account for USD/EUR/JPY/GBP/CHF

10 % of the amount

Foreign exchange transactions

3.1 Purchase of foreign currency from a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur

At the rate of the Bank

3.2 Sale of foreign currency to business entities

At the rate of the Bank

Cash transactions

4.1 Acceptance and crediting of cash in national currency to the account

a) Acceptance, recalculation and crediting to the Client's bank account of funds deposited through the collection service and their transfer to other accounts of the Client in another bank

no commission fee

b) Acceptance, recalculation and crediting to the Client's bank account of funds deposited personally (by client to the bank) and their transfer to other accounts of the Client in another bank

no commission fee

c) Acceptance, recalculation and crediting to the Client's bank account of funds deposited through the collection service and their transfer to other accounts of the Client inside the National Bank system

no commission fee

d) Acceptance, recalculation and crediting to the Client's bank account of funds deposited personally (by client to the bank) and their transfer to other accounts of the Client inside the National Bank system

no commission fee

4.2 Payment of cash in national currency:

a) for wages and equivalent payments, pensions, benefits

no commission fee

b) to exporting enterprises for purchasing agricultural products from the population (cash symbol 4600)

0.2% of the amount
valid until December 31, 2024.

c) to other economic entities for the purchase of agricultural products (cash symbol 4600), business entities for business travel expenses (cash symbol 4203), for dividend payments (cash symbol 5100), and for other purposes (cash symbol 5300)

1% of the amount

4.3 Disbursement of cash to customers in national currency as part of cash revenue (cash symbol 4400)

1% of the amount

4.4 Disbursement of cash to individual entrepreneurs without legal entity formation as a part of non-cash payments for goods and services (cash symbol 4500)

1% of the amount

4.5 Execution of a cash checkbook:

a) for legal entities

15% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

b) for individual entrepreneurs

15% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

c) for budget organizations

no commission fee

4.6 Acceptance of foreign currency in cash:

a) from resident clients with crediting to their account

0.3% of the amount

b) from non-residents to pay for contracts for goods and services, with their crediting to the accounts of resident clients

0.2% of the amount

4.7 Payment of cash in foreign currency from the client's account:

a) to legal entities

0.3% of the amount

b) to individual entrepreneurs with no corporate status

0.5% of the amount

c) to farms

0.3% of the amount

4.8 Сhange of cash in foreign currency to banknotes of the same currency (in large or in small bills)

0.3% of the amount

4.9 Collection of decrepit banknotes of foreign states on Client’s request, with subsequent exchange in foreign banks

10% of the amount + expenses of a foreign bank (In cash or by plastic card)

4.10 Provision of information on counterfeit foreign banknotes

140,000 UZS, including VAT per a batch

4.11 Reception and exchange of decrepit banknotes

10% of the amount

a) Reception and exchange of decrepit foreign banknotes

5% in UZS at the rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the day of payment

b) For large customers of the bank, as well as customers of national and strategic importance: exchange or reception of damaged cash foreign currency (equiv. US $ 500,000 or over) for intact foreign currency

1% in UZS at the rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the day of payment

4.12 Verification of authenticity of foreign banknotes

1% of the amount

4.13 Acceptance of foreign currency in cash with transfer to the bank account:

a) Euro, British Pounds, Russian Rubles, Swiss Francs, Japanese Yen, Swedish Krona

0.3% of the amount

4.14 Services of specialized cash desks at the enterprises:

Under a separate contract

4.15 Exchange of one currency for another currency received on the account of an individual entrepreneur

1% of the amount

Documentary operations

Collection of payments in foreign currency

5.1.1 Notification of payments collection receipt

60% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

5.1.2 Issuance of documents

0.1% of the amount (min. 80% of One Basic Estimated Amount including Vat, from a portion of funds exceeding eq. 50 thousand USD, no commission is charged)

5.1.3 Changing the terms of collection order or its cancellation

1,15 Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

5.1.4 Checking and sending documents for payments collection

2 Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

5.1.5 Return of payments collection to the remitting bank due to client's refusal to pay or of the accept

1.5 Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT + postage expenses

5.2. Letters of Credit in foreign currency

5.2.1. Import letters of credit Opening of a Letter of Credit

0.4% of the amount per a quarter* + Postal-SWIFT/ TELEX costs min. 2,3 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT, max. 160 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT** Opening of an unsecured letter of credit

Under a separate contract Increase in the amount of the letter of credit

0.4% of the increased amount per a quarter* + Postal-SWIFT/ TELEX costs for a resident: min. 2,3 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT, max. 115 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT for non-residents: min. USD 60, including VAT, max. USD 2,600, including VAT Commission for discrepancies with the terms of the letter of credit in the submitted documents

4,6 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT for a resident/ USD 115, including VAT for a non-resident Payments and negotiations, acceptance and verification of documents under the letter of credit

covered – 0.2% of the payment amount, uncovered – upon the agreement (for resident: min-1.2 Basic Estimated Amounts including VAT, from a portion of funds exceeding eq. 1200 thousand USD, no commission is charged** for non-resident: min-30 USD including VAT, from the part of funds exceeding eq. 1200 thousand USD, no commission is charged**) Installment payment transactions

0.2% of the amount, per quarter or part thereof (max. 60 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT) Change of the terms of the letter of credit, including cancellation (except for sub-clause

2,3 Basic Estimated Amounts + Postal-SWIFT/TELEX costs Extension of the Letter of Credit

0.4% per a quarter* + PostalSWIFT/TELEX costs for a resident: min. 1,2 Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT max. 115 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT** for non-residents: min. 30 USD including VAT, max., 2,600 USD including VAT**)

5.2.2 Export letters of credit Advance advising of the letter of credit

2,3 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT for a resident/ USD 60, including VAT for a nonresident + PostalSWIFT/TELEX costs Advising of a letter of credit

2,3 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT for a resident/ USD 115, including VAT for a nonresident + PostalSWIFT/TELEX costs Changing the terms of the letter of credit, including early cancellation, or due to the expiration of the letter of credit without using it

2,3 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT for a resident/ USD 60, including VAT for a nonresident + Postal- SWIFT/TELEX costs Acceptance, verification and dispatch of documents related to letters of credit, for each type of document

60% Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT for a resident/ USD 20, including VAT for a nonresident + PostalSWIFT/TELEX costs Negotiation of documents under the letter of credit

0.2% of the amount min. 1,2 Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT. from the part of funds exceeding equiv. $600 000, no commission** Confirmation of the letter of credit upon the request of the issuing bank:

a) within the coverage limit

0.8% for the year from the part of funds exceeding equiv. $150 000, no commission**

b) over the coverage limit

Under a separate contract Prolongation / increase in duration of the confirmed letter of credit

a) with a coverage

0.2% of the amount per a quarter* + Postal-SWIFT/ TELEX costs min. 1,2 Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT max. 60 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT**

b) over the coverage limit

Under a separate contract

5.3 Letters of credit in national currency

5.3.1 Opening of a letter of credit

1,15 Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

5.3.2 Changing the terms of the letter of credit, including early cancellation

1,15 Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

5.3.3 Confirmation of the letter of credit within the coverage

no commission fee

5.4 Guarantees/Standby letters of credit

5.4.1 Advising and changing the guarantee/standby letter of credit

2,3 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT for a resident/ USD 60, including VAT for a nonresident + PostalSWIFT/TELEX costs

5.4.2 Issuance and servicing of guarantee / standby letter of credit, counter-guarantee

a) within coverage

0.1% of the amount, per quarter or part thereof min. 5 Basic Estimated Amounts, including VAT**

b) over coverage

Under a separate agreement, but not less than the amount of the bank's margin determined by the calculation

5.4.3 Changing the terms of the guarantee issued by the NBU

Under a separate contract

5.4.4 Prolongation / increase of guarantee / standby letter of credit, counter-guarantee

a) within coverage

Under a separate contract

b) over coverage

Under a separate contract

5.4.5 Receiving, checking and dispatch of documents


5.4.6 Advising the guarantee issue confirmation

85% Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT for a resident/ USD 25, including VAT for a nonresident + PostalSWIFT/TELEX costs

* Regardless of the number of days of the letter of credit/guarantee during the quarter, the commission fee is charged for the full quarter.
** Maximum and minimum limits for commission fees are specified without postal-SWIFT/TELEX costs.

Export and import contracts servicing

6. Entering information and comparing it in the Unified Electronic Information System of Foreign Trade Transactions

60% of One Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

Services to bank card customers

7.1. Plastic card of legal entity and individual entrepreneur (corporate card) in national currency

7.1.1 Issue of 3-year main/ additional card

80,000 UZS, including VAT

7.1.2 Extension of the validity of main/ additional card

80,000 UZS, including VAT

7.1.3 Reissue of main/ additional card in case of loss/ damage

80,000 UZS, including VAT

7.1.4 Reissue of main /additional card in case of technical malfunction

no commission fee

7.1.5 Penalty for loss/damage of main/ additional card

80,000 UZS, including VAT

7.1.6 Balance replenishment on the special Uzbek Soum card account of legal entity/individual entrepreneur (according to the applicable legislation)

0.5% of the amount transferred

7.1.7 Submission of the statement on money accounting on the corporate card

50,000 UZS, including VAT

7.1.8 Card registration in the stop list

no commission fee

7.1.9 Leasing of payment terminals to trade and service enterprises for accepting payment from UZCARD plastic cards and International payment cards, including:

a) to legal entities

25,000 UZS + VAT (charged monthly, on the first business day of the month following the month of the transaction)

b) to individual entrepreneurs

15,000 UZS + VAT (charged monthly, on the first business day of the month following the month of the transaction)

c) to Home Unit Companies

25,000 UZS + VAT (charged monthly, on the first business day of the month following the month of the transaction)

7.1.10 Processing of HUMO payment cards transactions of trade and service enterprise (acquiring)

0.2% of the transaction amount

7.2 Bank card of legal entity and individual entrepreneur in foreign currency (international)

7.2.1 Issue (emission) of main / additional card

a) Visa Business

UZS 230,000, including VAT

- minimum balance and down payment (unchanged until the card account is closed)

USD 100

b) Visa Business to an individual entrepreneur

UZS 170,000, including VAT

- minimum balance and down payment (unchanged until the card account is closed)

USD 100

c) Masterсard Business

UZS 1,200,000, including VAT

: For MasterCard, if the card currency differs from the transaction currency, the amount of 2% will be temporarily blocked

7.2.2 Reissue of main / additional card (after expiration of the card, to change the client's name, in case of card loss/damage, password loss, suspicion of fraud):

a) Visa Business

UZS 230,000, including VAT

b) Visa Business to an individual entrepreneur

UZS 170,000, including VAT

c) Masterсard Business

UZS 600,000, including VAT

7.2.3 Penalty for loss / damage of main / additional card, and for the card non-return by the client to the bank, including when applying for closing the special card account:

a) Visa Business

UZS 230,000, including VAT

b) Visa Business to an individual entrepreneur

UZS 170,000, including VAT

c) Masterсard Business

UZS 600,000, including VAT

7.2.4 The processing of transactions on cash receipt at terminals or ATMs abroad the Republic of Uzbekistan from the card issued by the National Bank

1% of the amount

7.2.5 Processing of transactions on non-cash payment for goods and services in the infrastructure of another bank (terminal/imprinter/ATM/self-service terminal/Internet, etc.) from the card issued by the National Bank:

a) Visa Business

no commission fee

b) Visa Business to an individual entrepreneur

no commission fee

c) Masterсard Business

No commission fee

Note: For MasterCard, if the card currency differs from the transaction currency, the amount of 2% will be temporarily blocked

7.2.6 Registration of the card in the Global stop list upon the Client's request

no commission fee

7.2.7 Reimbursement of expenses for the withholding by another bank of the card issued by the National Bank

1,15 Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

7.2.8 Reimbursement of expenses for the transfer by the acquiring bank of the withheld card issued by the National Bank

Postal and telegraph expenses

7.2.9 Submission of an international card account statement on the official letterhead of the Bank

UZS 60,000, including VAT

7.3 For trade and service companies serving clients with cards in foreign currency

7.3.1 Processing of transactions of retailer and service outlet using international cards (VISA, MasterCard, UnionPay International, etc.):

a) Through a POS terminal in a trade and service enterprise and an EPOS terminal (according to an e-commerce project): - for cards issued by NBU JSC;
- for cards issued by other banks of Uzbekistan;
- for cards issued by foreign banks

1% of the transaction amount on the day of receiving coverage from international payment systems;
1.5% of the transaction amount on the day of receiving coverage from international payment systems;
3% of the transaction amount on the day of receiving coverage from international payment systems

b) Via a POS terminal installed in hotels

2.5% of the transaction amount on the day of receiving coverage from international payment systems

7.3.2 Penalty for the recovery of information on transactions against supporting documents submitted by the trade and service company

1% of the transaction amount

7.3.3 Penalty for loss and/or damage of payment terminal which can not be repaired

Actual cost of the terminal + 1,15 Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT

7.3.4 Processing (acquiring) of transactions of trade and service enterprises using HUMO/UZCARD payment system

a) On international cards through the payment system "UzCard"

0,2% of the transaction amount

b) VISA, MasterCard and UPI international cards, through HUMO payment system. When servicing international cards (VISA and MasterCard), a commission of 1.5% is charged from the card account in addition to the commission fee specified in this section. Visa cards issued in the Republic of Uzbekistan are the exception.

1% of the transaction amount. When servicing international cards (VISA and MasterCard), a commission of 1.5% is charged from the card account in addition to the commission fee specified in this section. Visa cards issued in the Republic of Uzbekistan are the exception.

c) VISA, MasterCard and UPI international cards, through UzCard payment system. When servicing international cards (VISA and MasterCard), a commission of 2% is charged from the card account in addition to the commission fee specified in this section. Visa cards issued in the Republic of Uzbekistan are the exception.

1% of the transaction amount

d) MIR international cards, through UzCard payment system

0.5% of the transaction amount

e) For payment transactions for products, works and services at trade enterprises using ‘Tez QR’ through ‘UZCARD’ payment system
Effective from May 1, 2024.

1% of amount

7.3.5 Processing transactions of a merchant conducted through the NBU's E-POS terminal*

a) By UzCard Sumy Plastic Cards

0,8% of the transaction amount

b) By HUMO / Visa UZS plastic card / UZS electronic wallet

0,5% of the transaction amount

7.3.6 The processing of transactions of retailer and service outlet via QR-Online system

0,15% of the transaction amount

*When the retail and service outlet pays for this service, the commission specified in subparagraph 5.1.12 of section 5 “Remote Services” of the tariff for commission fee for individuals is not charged to the client

7.3.7 Processing of transactions of the trade and service enterprise carried out on local cards (UzCard, HUMO, etc.), according to the e-commerce project

at least 1% of the transaction amount

7.3.8 Connection (registration) to the fiscal module and servicing online cash registers

1% of the amount

7.3.9 Monthly rent for commercial terminals of small business entities (with a monthly turnover of more than 100 000 UZS)

fee is not charged

7.3.10 Monthly rent for trading terminals of small business entities (with a monthly turnover of less than 100 000 UZS)
Terminals inactive for 6 months are withdrawn from the client

15% BEA, including VAT

Tariffing begins on June 10, 2024.

Travel and personal checks servicing

8.1 Collection of personal checks on behalf of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with no corporate status:

a) if the check amount is up to 500 USD

10% of the check amount

b) if the check amount is 500 to 2,500 USD

5% of the check amount

c) if the check amount is over 2,500 USD

3% of the check amount

8.2 Refund and cancellation of transfers and payments against the checks of foreign banks

0.1% of the amount. Min - 60% of Basic Estimated Amount, including VAT, from the part of funds exceeding equiv. $36 000, no commission

Information services (sms, e-mail, web-informing, ivr) concerning the flow of funds on the accounts of the clients of the National Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Foreign Economic Activity

9.1 Information services in the form of "sms-informing"

9.1.1 Connection to information services in the form of "sms-informing"

no commission fee

9.1.2 Fee for use of information services in the form of "sms-informing"

150 UZS, including VAT

9.1.3 Cost of 1 sms from the Bank informing on incoming and outgoing transactions, as well as payments collection from trading cards, including upon the Client's request

150 UZS, including VAT

Notes: In order to use information services, the Bank's client will buy in advance a SMS-package with a certain number of messages and the service will be provided until the package is over.

Services and consulting to clients

10.1 Methodological recommendations to Clients on the preparation of investment project feasibility studies

Under a separate contract

10.2 Search for local and foreign partners-investors upon the Client's request

Under a separate contract

10.3 Financial analysis of a foreign partner's reliability on the basis of the published annual report of the company upon the Client's request

Under a separate contract

10.4 Financial analysis of a foreign bank's reliability upon the Client's request

Under a separate contract

10.5 Examination of investment attractiveness of a particular project

Under a separate contract

10.6 Additional calculations of payback of projects options

Under a separate contract

10.7 Marketing researches regarding sales opportunities and competitiveness of a particular product (goods, work, service):

Under a separate contract

a) on a domestic market

Under a separate contract

b) on a foreign market

Under a separate contract

10.8 Analysis of the financial condition of an entity registered in the Republic of Uzbekistan (the Client's business partner, etc.) on the basis of financial statements requested by the National Bank

Under a separate contract

10.9 Assessment of completion status of a facility

Under a separate contract

10.10 Assessment of collateral for enterprises serviced by other banks

Under a separate contract

10.11 Assessment of conformity of imported technological equipment exempt from VAT /having VAT benefits/ with the confirmation (when a result is positive)

Under a separate contract

10.12 Participation of the Bank's representative in purchase biddings funded not from the state budget, as well as foreign loans attracted under the guarantee of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Under a separate contract

10.13 Consulting services to Clients on how to get ratings from international rating agencies

Under a separate contract

10.14 Underwriting services fee:

a) at 100% underwritten facility (% of total issue) at issuing volumes: - up to 500 mln. UZS - from 500 mln. UZS to 1,000 mln. UZS - 1,000 mln. UZS and more


b) when underwriting is not more than 60% of the facility (% of the total issue) at issuing volumes: - up to 500 mln. UZS - from 500 mln. UZS to 1,000 mln. UZS - 1,000 mln. UZS and more


10.15 Trust transactions fee

50% of the income exceeding the income stipulated in the Trust Service Agreement

Swap services

11.1 Foreign currency swap transactions organization and implementation

Upon the agreement

11.2 Organization and implementation of free resources involving foreign currency swap transactions

No commission fee

Precious metals sale services

12.1 Sale of precious metals to jewelry manufacturers

1% of the cost of precious metals sold

Crediting services provided to clients

13.1 Amendments to the loan agreement upon the Client's request

2 000 000 UZS, including VAT

13.2 Verification of the ban status on the platform of the electronic information system "Notarius"
For each ban

12 per cent of RCV (reference calculation value) of the Republic of Uzbekistan including VAT

13.3 Electronic deletion (full and partial release from pledge, replacement of pledge) of prohibitions imposed by a notary under a pledge agreement on the platform of the electronic information system "Notarius"
For each ban

12 per cent of RCV (reference calculation value) of the Republic of Uzbekistan including VAT

"LITE" tariff package

Transfers inside NBU JSC's system

Free of charge

Transfers to accounts of other banks in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Up to 100 million sums per month - 0%,
for a part over 100 million sums - 0.3%

Transfers in foreign currency outside the Republic of Uzbekistan

With beneficiary expenses (SHA/BEN): 0.15% + SWIFT/TELEX charges.
Without beneficiary expenses (OUR): 0.15% + SWIFT/TELEX charges + correspondent bank fees.

Opening of an import letter of credit

0.4% of the amount per quarter* (min 2.3 - max 160 reference calculation values incl. VAT) + SWIFT/TELEX charges.
*Irrespective of the number of days the LC/guarantee within the quarter, the fee is levied for the entire quarter.

Cash withdrawal in national currency for the purchase of agricultural products from the population

0.2% of the amount

Replenishment of corporate card accounts in national currency

0.5% of the transferred amount

Subscription fee

190,000 UZS per month, excluding VAT

Cash withdrawal at the counter


Additional benefits

Opening premium VISA GOLD payroll cards, free iBank and mobile app connection for account management.

"PRO" tariff package

Transfers inside NBU JSC's system

Free of charge

Transfers to accounts of other banks in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Up to 300 million sums per month - 0%,
for a part over 300 million sums - 0.2%

Transfers in foreign currency outside the Republic of Uzbekistan

With beneficiary expenses (SHA/BEN): 0.15% + SWIFT/TELEX charges.
Without beneficiary expenses (OUR): 0.15% + SWIFT/TELEX charges + correspondent bank fees.

Opening of an import letter of credit

0.4% of the amount per quarter* (min 2.3 - max 160 reference calculation values incl. VAT) + SWIFT/TELEX charges.
*Irrespective of the number of days the LC/guarantee within the quarter, the fee is levied for the entire quarter.

Cash withdrawal in national currency for the purchase of agricultural products from the population

0.2% of the amount

Replenishment of corporate card accounts in national currency

0.4% of the transferred amount

Subscription fee

390,000 UZS per month, excluding VAT

Cash withdrawal at the counter


Additional benefits

Opening premium VISA GOLD payroll cards, free iBank and mobile app connection for account management.

"Zero" tariff package

Transfers inside NBU JSC's system

Free of charge

Transfers to accounts of other banks in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Up to 50 million sums per month - 0%,
for a part over 50 million sums - 0.5%

Transfers in foreign currency outside the Republic of Uzbekistan

With beneficiary expenses (SHA/BEN): 0.15% + SWIFT/TELEX charges.
Without beneficiary expenses (OUR): 0.15% + SWIFT/TELEX charges + correspondent bank fees.

Opening of an import letter of credit

0.4% of the amount per quarter* (min 2.3 - max 160 reference calculation values incl. VAT) + SWIFT/TELEX charges.
*Irrespective of the number of days the LC/guarantee within the quarter, the fee is levied for the entire quarter.

Cash withdrawal in national currency for the purchase of agricultural products from the population

0.2% of the amount

Replenishment of corporate card accounts in national currency

Up to 50 million sums per month - 0%,
for a part over 50 million sums - 0.5%

Subscription fee

Free of charge

-The tariff is developed for new bank clients
-All other fees are charged in accordance with the tariffs of mediation fees for services to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of JSC Uzbek National Bank

Cash withdrawal at the counter


Additional benefits

Opening premium VISA GOLD payroll cards, free iBank and mobile app connection for account management.

*The validity period of the tariff package is 6 months, intended only for new customers of the bank

"ULTRA" tariff package

Transfers inside NBU JSC's system

Free of charge

Transfers to accounts of other banks in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Up to 1 billion sums per month – 0%,
for a part over 1 billion sums - 0.1%

Transfers in foreign currency outside the Republic of Uzbekistan

With beneficiary expenses (SHA/BEN): 0.15% + SWIFT/TELEX charges.
Without beneficiary expenses (OUR): 0.15% + SWIFT/TELEX charges + correspondent bank fees

Opening of an import letter of credit

0.4% of the amount per quarter* (min 2.3 - max 160 reference calculation values incl. VAT) + SWIFT/TELEX charges.
*Irrespective of the number of days the LC/guarantee within the quarter, the fee is levied for the entire quarter.

Cash withdrawal in national currency for the purchase of agricultural products from the population

0.2% of the amount

Replenishment of corporate card accounts in national currency

0.3% of the transferred amount

Subscription fee

990 000 UZS per month, excluding VAT

Cash withdrawal at the counter


Additional benefits

Opening premium VISA GOLD payroll cards, free iBank and mobile app connection for account management.

"Ark" tariff package

Transfers inside NBU JSC's system


Transfers to accounts of other banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan

0,5% of the transfer amount

Transfers in foreign currency outside the Republic of Uzbekistan

With beneficiary expenses (SHA/BEN): 0.1% + SWIFT/TELEX charges.
Without beneficiary expenses (OUR): 0.1% + SWIFT/TELEX charges + correspondent bank fees.

Opening of an import letter of credit

0.4% of the amount per quarter* (min 2.3 - max 160 reference calculation values incl. VAT) + SWIFT/TELEX charges.
*Irrespective of the number of days the LC/guarantee within the quarter, the fee is levied for the entire quarter.

Replenishment of corporate card accounts in national currency

0,5% of the transferred amount

Subscription fee: City Project

600,000 UZS per 6 months, including VAT

Subscription fee: Region Project

600 000 UZS for 180 days, including VAT

Subscription fee: Territory Project

350 000 UZS for 180 days, including VAT



Cash withdrawal at the counter


Additional benefits

Opening premium VISA GOLD payroll cards, free iBank and mobile app connection for account management.

"Oksaroy" tariff package

Transfers inside NBU JSC's system


Transfers to accounts of other banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan

0.1% of the transfer amount

Transfers in foreign currency outside the Republic of Uzbekistan

With beneficiary expenses (SHA/BEN): 0.15% + SWIFT/TELEX charges.
Without beneficiary expenses (OUR): 0.15% + SWIFT/TELEX charges + correspondent bank fees.

Opening of an import letter of credit

0.4% of the amount per quarter* (min 2.3 - max 160 reference calculation values incl. VAT) + SWIFT/TELEX charges.
*Irrespective of the number of days the LC/guarantee within the quarter, the fee is levied for the entire quarter.

Replenishment of corporate card accounts in national currency

0.5% of the transferred amount

Subscription fee: City Project

1,800,000 UZS for 180 days, including VAT

Subscription fee: Region Project

1,200,000 UZS for 180 days, including VAT

Subscription fee: Territory Project

600,000 UZS for 180 days, including VAT



Cash withdrawal at the counter


Additional benefits

Opening premium VISA GOLD payroll cards, free iBank and mobile app connection for account management.

"Test Drive" tariff package

Test Drive (For enterprises no more than 90 days from the date of their registration)

Transfers inside NBU JSC's system


Transfers to accounts of other banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Transfers in foreign currency outside the Republic of Uzbekistan

With beneficiary expenses (SHA/BEN): 0.15% + SWIFT/TELEX charges.
Without beneficiary expenses (OUR): 0.15% + SWIFT/TELEX charges + correspondent bank fees.

Opening of an import letter of credit

0.5% of the amount (140 RCVs max.)

Cash withdrawal in national currency for the purchase of agricultural products from the population

0.2% of the amount

Replenishment of corporate card accounts in national currency

0.2% of the transferred amount

Subscription fee

60,000 UZS per 2 months, excluding VAT

Cash withdrawal at the counter


Additional benefits

Opening premium VISA GOLD payroll cards, free iBank and mobile app connection for account management.

NBU technical support


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To unblock the card, you must contact the bank branch where the card was opened  with your identity document.

SMS notification for the Uzcard card can be activated through an ATM. SMS notification for the Humo card is activated through the bank branch where the card was opened.

You can order all cards in national and foreign currency remotely using the Milliy App.

If you have forgotten your card PIN, please come with your identity document to the bank where the card was opened.

If you the card (UzCard/HUMO) is lost, you can block it yourself using the Milliy Bank App or call (78) 148-00 10 and ask the operators to block the card.

The identification procedure is carried out remotely, directly in the Milliy application itself. To do this, on the main screen in the application, click on the icon in the upper left corner, and then select the “Identification” option from the menu and go through all its stages.

To change the phone number registered in the Milliy App, please come to the NBU branch which is convenient for you with your identity document.

An e-wallet is a system to store funds, as well as transfer money through an app to an account or bank card.

When you reset your password, you enter the "secret question answer"

Currently, the NBU offers the following international money transfers: Western Union, MoneyGram, KoronaPay, Asia Express, Contact, Swift.

Users of the Milliy Mobile App can receive transfers from Russia using the Sberbank Online service to an electronic wallet in national currency, to an UzCard or HUMO card of the NBU.

The transfer is made in rubles. Upon receipt on an electronic wallet or card, it is automatically converted into UZS. No additional fees are charged.

Visa Direct is a service for money transfer using the Milliy Mobile App to more than 50 countries of the world, including Visa cards of Uzbekistan banks.

identity document

MTCN or the tracking number

full name of remitter

country of remitter


It is possible to remotely open, replenish and independently monitor the NBU's deposits using the Mobil App.

If you want to transfer the right to dispose of your deposit to a third party, you must execute a power of attorney certified through a notary office.

No, you don't. The online deposit can be closed through the app.

Capitalization is the addition of accrued interest to the principal amount of the deposit.

This is the deposit with no fixed withdrawal period and the depositor can withdraw the funds at any time.

- Passports of founders, director, chief accountant;

- Order for Director’s appointment;

- Certificate of state registration;

- Decision of founders;

- Licenses;

- Cadastre file/ data sheet for the collateral;

- Photo of the collateral;

- Contract with the supplier;

- Copy of the rental agreement/ certificate

- Certificate of ownership for the premises used for business;

This list is not exhaustive for loan consideration and the consideration and Bank staff may request other information and documents regarding project concerned.

How long does it take for the application to be processed?Time for processing takes 1-3 days depending on the completeness of the documents submitted.

Various collateral, including real estate, motor vehicles, as well as sureties of individuals or legal entities are accepted.

Penalty-free early repayment of the loan is permitted

The period of registration of the company at the time of filing the application must be more than 6 months.

It's worth noting that insurance and collateral costs may be in addition to the principal interest for the loan. However, there are no hidden costs.

- Constituent documents of the company (charter, registration certificate)
- Documents confirming the authority of the company's representatives
- Vehicle Purchase Agreement
- Documents confirming ownership of the collateral property (if a collateral is required)

- Professional Consultation and Support: Our specialists are always ready to provide professional consultation and support at all stages of the process, helping clients maximize the benefits of the offered loan products.
- Flexible Terms: Option to choose the optimal term and loan amount.
- Ease of Application: Minimal document requirements and a quick application review process.
- Business support: Financing that helps to renew the car fleet

The NBU aims to ensure a fast and efficient application review process. The average review period for an auto loan application for legal entities is 3 to 5 working days

The collateral can be the new car being purchased

The option to purchase new vehicles from official dealers

Time for processing takes 1-3 days depending on the completeness of the documents submitted.

Various collateral, including real estate, motor vehicles, as well as sureties of individuals or legal entities are accepted.

Penalty-free early repayment of the loan is permitted

The period of registration of the company at the time of filing the application must be more than 6 months

It's worth noting that insurance and collateral costs may be in addition to the principal interest for the loan. However, there are no hidden costs

- Passports of founders, director, chief accountant;
- Order for Director’s appointment;
- Certificate of state registration;
- Decision of founders;
- Licenses;
- Cadastre file/ data sheet for the collateral;
- Photo of the collateral;
- Contract with the supplier;
- Copy of the rental agreement/ certificate
- Certificate of ownership for the premises used for business;

This list is not exhaustive for loan consideration and the consideration and Bank staff may request other information and documents regarding project concerned.