Board of the Bank

Alisher Kudratullaevich Mirsoatov
Chairman of Board
Visit time: from 9:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. on Fridays
78 147-56-56
Manages and controls the activities of the following departments:
deals with all issues related to the Bank's business, except for those referred to the Bank's Charter to the competence of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Council and the Board of the Bank;
disposes of the Bank's property, except for immovable property, in accordance with the procedure established by the Council of the Bank;
enters into contracts, agreements, including employment ones;
issues powers of attorney;
exercises the right to dispose of funds, including for charitable donations, sets limits on travel, representation and other expenses;
approves the staffing list of the Bank, its branches and representative offices;
independently determines the payment procedure and amount of remuneration and other incomes of employees of the Bank;
approves regulations on bonuses for employees, on subdivisions, job descriptions for employees of the Bank;
issues orders and regulations binding on all employees of the Bank;
approves methodological and instructional draft documents of the Bank that do not require coordination and approval in the Central Bank of the Republic;
deals with other issues of the Bank.
He also manages and controls the activities of the following departments and employees:
Department of Information and Banking Security;
Risk Management Department;
Risk Compliance Division;
Department for Foreign Economic Activity;
Bank and Financial Academy
Place of Job, Title: Chairman of Board
Year of Birth: 1974
Place of Birth: Tashkent
1996 – Graduated from the Tashkent State Technical University.
2003 – Graduated from the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
2004 – Graduated from the Maastricht School of Management (Netherlands)
2021 – Graduated from the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Economic and Management in Mechanic Engineering
Master in Business Administration – MBA
Master in Business Administration – MBA
Doctor of philosophy in economical sciences - PhD
State award: 2019 - awarded the order of «Mehnat shukhrati»
Work experience in the banking sector: 26 years
In the current position: since Nov. 30, 2017

Sardorbеk Anarbеkovich Usmanbеkov
First Deputy Chairman of the Board
Visit time: from 3:00 p.m. till 5:00p.m. on Tuesdays
78 148-00-85
Manages and controls the activities of the following departments:
Department of the Treasury;
Internal control Department;
Project Finance Center;
Credit Department;
HR Department;
Interbank Settlement Center;
Bank Processes Management Department
Place of Job, Title: First Deputy Chairman of the Board
Year of Birth: 1979
Place of Birth: Tashkent
Bachelor, graduated from Tashkent Financial Institute in 2000.
Master, graduated from Tashkent Financial Institute in 2010.
Profession: Finance and credit
Work experience in the banking sector: 20 years
In the current position: since March 15, 2023

Bakhodir Amiralievich Jalilov
Deputy Chairman of the Board
Visit time: from 9:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. on Wednesdays
78 147-77-01
Manages and controls the activities of the following departments:
Executive Office of National Bank;
Department of Financing State Programs;
Department of Information Technology;
Press service;
First department
Place of Job, Title: Deputy Chairman of the Board
Year of Birth: 1977
Place of Birth: Surkhandarya Region
Bachelor, graduated from Termez State University in 2003. Master, graduated from the Banking and Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2006.
Profession: Finance
Work experience in the banking sector: 23 years
In the current position: since Aug. 23, 2017

Azamat Karimbaevich Kurambaev
Deputy Chairman of the Board
Visit time: from 9:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. on Mondays
78 147-15-75
Manages and controls the activities of the following departments:
Legal Department;
Distressed Assets Monitoring Department;
Problem Project Support Department;
Department of Business Administration;
Gallery of Fine Arts of Uzbekistan;
JSC "NBU Invest Group";
LLC “NBU Samarkand Invest”;
LLC “NBU Gazgan Invest”;
LLC “NBU Asset Management”;
Directorate for the operation of the historical complex "Nurullaboy";
Legal entities with the participation of the Bank
Place of Job, Title: Deputy Chairman of the Board
Year of Birth: 1976
Place of Birth: Tashauz city
Education: Higer, graduated from Tashkent Financial Institute in 1998.
Profession: Finance and Credit
Work experience in the banking sector: 26 years
In the current position: since March 9, 2018

Azizbek Shavkatovich Khodjaev
Deputy Chairman of the Board
Visit time: from 9:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m. on Thursdays
78 150-70-94
Manages and controls the activities of the following departments:
Department of Financing State Programs
Place of Job, Title: Deputy Chairman of the Board
Year of Birth: 1978
Place of Birth: Kashkadarya region
Bachelor, 2001 - graduated from the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies Master, 2013 - graduated from the Higher School of Business under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Profession: Business Management
Work experience in the banking sector: 15 years
In the current position: September 24, 2020

Rikhsiev Bohodir Tolaganovich
Managing Director of the Transformation Office - Deputy Chairman of the Board
Visit time: from 15:00 p.m. till 17:00 p.m. on Fridays
78 150-74-67
Manages and controls the activities of the following departments:
Transformation Office;
Department of Accounting and Financial Management;
Department for corporate relations and investments;
Second department
Place of Job, Title: Managing Director of the Transformation Office - Deputy Chairman of the Board
Year of Birth: 1986
Place of Birth: Tashkent region
Bachelor's degree, 2008 - graduated from Tashkent Financial Institute. Master's degree, 2020 - graduated from the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Profession: Finance
Work experience in the banking sector: 15 years
In the current position: Since October 5, 2023

Bakhtiyor Kobilovich Mirdovidov
Deputy Chairman of the Board
Does not accept
78 150-74-67
Manages and controls the activities of the following departments:
Department of network development and service of the bank;
Loans Monitoring and Early Collection Department;
Small and Medium – sized enterprises Department;
Managing director of the retail block;
Department of retail business;
Mortgage Landing Department;
Marketing Services Center
Place of Job, Title: Deputy Chairman of the Board
Year of Birth: 1985
Place of Birth: Tashkent
Tashkent State University of Economics in 2012;
Tashkent State University of Economics in 2014.
Profession: Economics
Work experience in the banking sector: 15 years in the NBU system
In the current position: since July 9, 2024

Fazliddin Nosirovich Qodirov
Director of Department of Accounting and Financial Management- Сhief accountant
Does not accept
78 147-15-11

Nodirbеk Ravshanbеkovich Daminov
Director of Department of Corporate Relations and Investments
Does not accept

Zokir Botirovich Kalonov
Director of Business Administration Department
Does not accept

Nabiyev Xurshid Latipjanovich
Director of the Center for Project Financing
Does not accept