Mastercard World Elite

Unique privileges for the most demanding customers

Travel Privileges

Free access to business lounges, Fast Track passes and roaming

Free insurance

Medical travel insurance for the whole family

Discounts from partners

Restaurants, shopping, beauty, sports and travel

Mastercard World Elite from NBU – unique privileges for the most demanding customers

Tariffs and conditions

Free access to business halls

  • Priority access to 1,200 business halls worldwide under the Lounge Key program

  • An unlimited number of visits are available with the Mastercard World Elite card

Free fast track passes

  • Priority passage of security control at international airports

  • An unlimited number of passes are available with the Mastercard World Elite card

Travel insurance

Whole family insurance:

  • for a spouse - 100% risk coverage with a limit of up to 1.5 million USD

  • for children, parents, babysitters and assistants – 25% coverage

Free Internet roaming

  • Free 3 GB and 15% discount on subsequent traffic packages for NBU Mastercard World Elite holders

  • Set up access via e-SIM in the Flexifoam app

Special offers from Mastercard partners

How can I get access to the Lounge Key business halls?

To register an account, please follow the link. LoungeKey Mobile App for Android / iOS

How can I use the Fast Track service?

You can book a Fast Track on and in the Mastercard Travel Experiences app (Android / iOS).

How can I get a travel medical insurance?

To apply for insurance, follow the link.

How can I get 3 GB internet roaming?

Access is via an e-SIM in the Flexiroam application. Flexiroam Mobile App for Android/ iOS

Условия обслуживания

Issue (emission) of a card 700 000 / 2 000 000* UZS
Card currency USD / UZS
Minimum balance and down payment $50 / 500 000 UZS
Reissue of the main and/or additional card** 100 000 UZS
Cash withdrawal at terminals or ATMs of other banks 1% of the transaction amount
Charges for goods and services payment 0%
*non-residents without permanent residence
**in case of change of the client's full name, loss/damage of the card, loss of the password, suspicion of fraudulent actions, as well as in case of its non-return by the client to the bank, including when applying for closing of the special card account.

Lost your card, or has it expired? Fill out a form for re-issuance

Персональная информация
Причина обращения
Прикрепите скан лицевой стороны паспорта и страницы прописки
Your application has been successfully submitted. Our team will be in touch with you shortly
Your application has not been accepted. Please check the entered information and try again

Download the Milliy app

Download the Milliy app
Leave an online application for a card
Pick up your card at your nearest bank office

Garmin Pay contactless payment service for Mastercard cardholders

Garmin Pay is now available for Mastercard cards from the National Bank of Uzbekistan. This means you can use your NBU Mastercard cards for contactless payments through your Garmin device at any stores that accept contactless payments

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