Support young entrepreneurs

Our purpose

Is to create the necessary conditions and opportunities for talented youth to fully realize their talents and potential in all areas

Our concern

Is to finance innovative projects, start-ups and business projects developed by youth based on new ideas

Formation of business skills
Financing of projects
Requirements and required documents
Successful projects
Business plans

Studying process

Based on international experience

Duration of the training course

11 days (86 hours)

Training program

  • Financial literacy

  • Drawing up a business plan

  • Taxes and taxation

  • Accounting

  • Management and marketing

  • Legal literacy

Business courses are organized by the following organizations

  • Agency for youth affairs

  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  • Found of "Young people аre our future"

Completion of the training course

Issuance of a certificate to listeners


Practice for advanced training at the production sites of large enterprises

Key partners in organizing business courses

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan
Foundation“Yoshlar – Kelajagimiz”

Projects implemented on the territory of the Youth Industrial and Business Zones

Loan amount: in the equivalent of no more than 100 000 US dollars

Loan term: up to 7 years

Grace period: up to 3 years

Loan term:

  • 14% (Interest rate in national currency)

  • 3% (Interest rate in foreign currency)

Innovative, start-up and business projects of youth

The loan amount: for one business entity is from 300 million sum to 600 million sum times of the amount of the basic calculation

Loan term: up to 7 years

Grace period: up to 3 years

Loan term: 15%

Projects implemented on the territory of the Youth Industrial and Business Zones

  • Guarantee of the State Fund for Support of Entrepreneurship (in the amount of up to 50 percent of the loan amount, but not more than 500 million soums

  • Insurance policies of the state insurance organization (up to 50 percent of the loan amount, but not more than 500 million soums)

  • Other types of security provided by law

Innovative, start-up and business projects of youth

  • Property collateral

  • Guarantee from the State Fund for Entrepreneurship Support

  • Third Party Warranty

  • Other types of security provided by law

  • The loan amount must cover 125% of the loan amount, including the discount

Required documents

  • Constituent documents (company charter, certificate of state registration);

  • Financial statements (balance sheet, statement of financial results);

  • Project’s business-plan;

  • Other documents provided for by the Law

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