National Green
A loan for providing working capital to enterprises involved in the production of alternative electrical devices

Up to 5 years
Loan term
6 month
Grace period
Requirements to the borrower/additional borrower:
at least 30% of the project cost, including at least 15% of the value of the purchase and sale agreement shall be paid from the initiator's own funds
liquid balance sheet
no overdue accounts payable, a good credit history, no debt on Card File 2
Requirements to the borrower's/additional borrower's credit history based on the scoring analysis of the Credit Information Center:
there are no 3 (three) or more payments with a delay of 30 to 60 days
there are no 2 (two) or more payments with a delay of 60 to 90 days
there is no 1 (one) or more payments with a delay of more than 90 days
Real estate and movable property, vehicles, guarantees, insurance policies and other types of security according to the legislation
Required documents
application for a loan
constituent documents of the borrower
orders or other internal documents on the appointment of an authorized person to sign a loan agreement, as well as passport data of these persons
minutes of the general meeting of shareholders/members on obtaining a loan by an enterprise and providing security or other types of decisions (for farms, individual entrepreneurs, private firms)
business plan developed for the project
agreements for financing at the expense of loans
documents for security
if the project initiator has accounts with other banks, the certificate of the servicing banks on the balances of funds on those accounts according to Card File No. 2, as well as the certificate on funds turnover on the account for the previous year
expert opinion of an independent accredited consulting company on the cost of imported goods (fixed assets) purchased with use of loan funds
contracts (drafts, protocols of agreements) for the sale of finished products
positive findings of a state ecological appraisal of the State Committee of Ecology
if necessary, when the bank considers the loan application, it can request other documents as well