The presentation of investment potential of Uzbekistan took place in Warsaw
The diplomatic mission of Uzbekistan held the presentation of investment potential of the sectors of economy in Warsaw.
The event was organized with the assistance of the “Polish society for construction and infrastructure", which unites more than 1,200 Polish companies and companies engaged in the fields of construction, energy, transport, infrastructure, agriculture, services, IA “Jahon” reported.
During the presentation the participants were informed in detail about the achievements of Uzbekistan during the years of independence, the main sectors of economy, investment climate and favorable conditions created in the Republic, guarantees and preferences for foreign investors and concrete investment projects. The issues of attracting potential investors for the joint implementation of projects on the territory of FIEZ "Navoi" SIZ "Angren" and SIZ "Jizzakh" were highlighted as well.
Participants were informed about the main objectives and importance of "The year of the healthy child" state program, as well as about the issues of further strengthening and developing the role of family in the upbringing of healthy and comprehensively developed generation.
Along with this, they were able to acquaint about the upcoming December elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
It was noted that in accordance with the constitution of the country, equal conditions and opportunities are created for political parties and candidates to conduct election campaign. The electoral right of citizens to free expression was provided as well.
According to the results of presentation bilateral meetings with President of the “Polish society for construction and infrastructure", as well as with representatives of companies "QuickModuloSp.z.o.o." and "OrleGniazdoSp.z.o.o." were held. During the negotiations, Polish side expressed the interest in establishing cooperation with Uzbek partners.