The National Bank to allocate 326 billion soums of...

The National Bank to allocate 326 billion soums of mortgage loans for housing construction in rural areas


Uzbekistan pays special attention to improving the architectural appearance of rural settlements, increasing the level and quality of life of rural population by expanding the scale of construction of individual housing on standard projects, the accelerated development of rural transport and engineering communications, social and market infrastructure. The National Bank for foreign economic activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan also contributes in this direction.

It should be noted that based on the Decree of the head of our state "On additional measures to expand the scale of housing construction in rural areas" dated August 3, 2009 3, 4 and 5 bedroom houses on standard projects are being built and given into exploitation throughout all regions of Uzbekistan. The NB FEA since 2013 takes active part in financing the construction of individual housing in rural areas on standard projects on a "turnkey" basis.

–The financing of housing construction in rural areas on standard projects at present is funded at the expense of the Asian Development Bank funds, budget funds and funds of the bank. 289 billion soums allocated under the Program for 2013-2014, which included the construction of 3217 houses. Hereby the initial mortgage contributions of the bank amounted to 197 billion soums, - said the chief specialist of the Department for monitoring the progress of construction of the NB FEA Husan Shukurov.

It should be noted that the bank at present, in order to create convenience for paying interests on mortgage loans, offers a deposit “Hisobli”. The interest on this new monthly deposit is used to repay the mortgage loan of individuals.



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