The National Bank of Uzbekistan has implemented 14 new types of deposits for individuals this year
One of the important activities of the National Bank for foreign economic activity (NBU FEA) of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the attraction of free funds of population to deposits, which in turn contributes to the expansion of the resource base for lending to the economy.
In this case, the investor is guaranteed not only for safety of his funds, but also their substantial augmentation.
- This year, the National Bank has implemented 14 new types of deposits for individuals in national and foreign currency. In particular, in the framework of the State program "the Year of the healthy child" the Bank has implemented a "Kelajak avlod" deposit for children up to 7 years. In addition, for the implementation of utility bills the Bank implemented such deposits, as "Zangori olov", "Yorkin" and "Chashma". Note that currently the Bank has 36 types of deposits, - says the head of the deposit operations department of the Bank Otabek Mirzaev.
In the result of implemented measures, as of December 1 of the current year, the remaining balance of the population stored on the accounts of the Bank, increased by 21% compared with the beginning of the year, while the volume of term deposits increased by 27% compared with the corresponding period of 2013. In addition, compared with the same period of last year, the number of retail customers increased by 300 thousand.
- In order to provide the population with quality services on international money transfers, 95 remittance points are successfully operating in the structure of the Bank. In January-November of the current year the volume of operations performed by the Bank for international money transfers, increased by 155% compared to the same period of last year. At present, the Bank operates such system of international money transfers like Western Union, Money Gram”, “Zolotaya Korona” and “Asia Express”. In addition, in order to create conditions for the population, the Bank has 110 special offices for payment of utility bills - told Otabek Mirzaev.
Note that in the current year, the amount of utility payments received from the public through a system of online payment amounted to 802 million soums, of which the payments for gas amounted to 214 million soums and for electricity - 588 million soums.