The industry of Uzbekistan produced 41.6 trillion ...

The industry of Uzbekistan produced 41.6 trillion soums worth of goods


   In 2011, according to official data, the industry of Uzbekistan manufactured 41.6 trillion soums worth of industrial products showing a 6.3% increase compared to 2010.

   The top five key industries in the general industrial boiler include the fuel industry (17.5%), automotive industry and metal processing (16.1%), food industry (14%), light industry (13.5%), ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy (13%).

   В 2010 году этот показатель составлял 42,2%. Analysis of the official data shows stable increase of the share of processing industry providing goods with high added value. In particular, automotive, food and light industries amounted 43.6% of the total volume of industrial production.

   The state program of localization of production implemented in the country's industrial complex identified the leaders – automotive and electro-technical industry enterprises. Car manufacturers, who have created a spread system of enterprises on production of car parts for GM Uzbekistan, produced 221.4 thousand cars in 2011 (2.1% increase). The statistics registered an increase of production of grain harvesters, accumulators, seeding machines and ploughs for tractors.

   Enterprises of Uzeltehsanoat association cater on production of goods with high consumer properties - air conditioners, microwave ovens, gas ranges and electric vacuum cleaners, energy-saving fluorescent lamps. The system electro-technical industry last year produced more than 2.9 thousand transformers (93.2% increase), more than 12 thousand pieces of electric irons, more than 62.1 thousand pieces of TV-sets and other electrical products.

   The light industry, along with other goods produced over 1 million square meters of fabrics with chemical fibers, which are in high demand on domestic and foreign markets. Production of hosiery increased by 3.6 times compared to 2010 and exceeded 1.7 million pairs.

   In the food industry production of canned meat has grown six-fold up to 3.2 million cans. Production of powdered infant formula for nutrition grew by 2.2 times - up to 1.9 tons.

   In 2012, the projected growth of industrial production in Uzbekistan will amount to 8.6%.

   The industrial boost is to be ensured by implementation of the program approved by the Head of State on the priorities of industrial development in Uzbekistan for 2011-2015. The important document is aimed at sustainable, dynamic and balanced development of the industrial sector, deepening of structural reforms in key industrial sectors and the growth of export potential.

   The priority remains rapid development of key industrial sectors in Uzbekistan, including automotive industry, light industry and food industry based on modernization, technical and technological renewal of production. In food and light industries, stimulating domestic consumption, more than half of new industries organized in the country have been established in the past year.

   As part of the industrial development it is expected to increase the proportion of automotive industry to 20.4%, food industry - 17.2%, light industry - 15.6% by 2016. The contribution of these industries in total industrial boiler will increase to 53.2%.

UzReport 22.02.2012

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