The enterprises of light industry of Uzbekistan pr...

The enterprises of light industry of Uzbekistan produced goods on 2013,9 billion soums

UzReport 08.05.2013

      In January-March of the current year, dynamic development of the light industry of Uzbekistan is  continued by enterprises of which were produced goods to 2013,9 billion soums, or 113,2% to the correspondent  period of the last year.
     By enterprises of textile industry of the republic, were produced goods to 1769,4 billion soums or 112,2% to the January-march 2012, including cotton enterprises - 1138,0 billion soums or 107,7%.
Comparing to the previous year, the production of mixed fabrics – to 74,4%, cotton fabrics – to 61,6%, knitwear fabrics - to 56,5%, cotton – to 32,2%.
     Mastering the production of high competitive goods by enterprises of the republic, assisted to increase of the production of garments (105,3%), carpets and rugs (104,7%).
     In the analyzed period by textile industry was provided the export of textile goods to $209.3 million, that is to 22,1% more, than analogical period of 2012, informed the informational agency of State Statistic committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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