Tashkent to host special training courses for empl...

Tashkent to host special training courses for employees of banks


From 21 to 25 September, the Fund for support of exports of small businesses and private entrepreneurship under the National Bank for foreign economic activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan in partnership with the Association for development of business logistics will hold special training courses for employees of commercial banks of Uzbekistan.

The courses are organized in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 12 March 2015 "On measures for the further expansion of economic cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Federal Republic of Germany", and also in order to create the most favorable conditions for doing business in the country and the expansion of exports of small businesses and private entrepreneurship through further development of mechanisms and tools for financing domestic exporters. For the first time this kind of courses are conducted with the participation of Vice President of "Deutsche Bank" in New York Mr. B. Bruno and assistant Vice President of head office of the "Deutsche Bank", Mr. D. Mazur.

The purpose of training is to familiarize with new financial tools on an example of the "Deutsche Bank AG", such as introduction to corporate governance, financial reporting, evaluation of financial performance, investment evaluation, methods of corporate financing, organization, swaps, etc., which can later be applied by the specialists of Uzbekistan to provide financial services on export operations

It should be noted that the organization of such training courses in collaboration with leading foreign commercial institutions proves the growing role of this organization in supporting exports in all sectors of the economy, including in the sphere of banking services. Because, as you know, banks play an important role in the process of export procedures. Hereby improving the professional level of bank employees will contribute to the further development of mechanisms and tools for financing domestic exporters.



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