Tashkent Regional Branch of the NB FEA issued loans to entrepreneurs worth 84.3 billion soums
Currently, more than 90 branches of the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity (NB FEA) of the Republic of Uzbekistan operate in all regions of the country. One of them is the Tashkent Regional Branch, which provides a wide range of services to small business and private entrepreneurship.
So, during the 10 months of the current year the branch allocated loans for the support of small business and private entrepreneurship in the amount of 84.3 billion soums.
Note that provided loans are directed to the acquisition of the latest equipment and technologies that allow domestic enterprises to produce high quality and competitive products.
One of these companies is a manufacturer of snack products LLC «INTER SNACK FOODS», for which the branch allocated 270 million soums of loans.
Today LLC «INTER SNACK FOODS» produces 14 kinds of products, which include almonds, sunflower seeds, pistachio, apricot kernel seeds and more. It is also worth noting that for the first time the market of Uzbekistan is represented by such kind of products such as peanuts with different flavors.
It is necessary to mention, that from the date the company received the loan, it produced and delivered to consumers products worth 1.9 trillion soums.