Tashkent hosted business forum for entrepreneurs a...

Tashkent hosted business forum for entrepreneurs and bankers


On February 3, the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan held a business forum of entrepreneurs and bankers on "Entrepreneurship: a base of a strong family". It was organized by the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Tashkent city administration.
The event participants pointed out the increasing role of small business and entrepreneurship in the gross domestic product. This area now covers most of the socially active population. The share of small and private companies and firms in 2011 amounted to 54% of Uzbekistan's GDP, and in 74.4% of employment.
In their speeches, deputy hokim of Tashkent Farida Abdurakhimova and Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Nozim Khusanov noted that the new privileges, preferences and opportunities provided in accordance with laws, decrees and government regulations, improve the speed and efficiency of development of this important sector. Important role is played by financial support for small business and entrepreneurship. In 2011 commercial banks allocated more than 1.5 trillion soums of loans for entrepreneurs of the capital, where business activity is traditionally high.
The results achieved positively impact on addressing such pressing issues as provision of employment, increasing incomes, further strengthening our stable life.
In 2012, the Year of a Strong Family, business partnership "Bank – Entrepreneur" will be strengthened, participants of the forum noted. Promising areas of cooperation were identified: increase of the amount of medium-and long-term loans for modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of productions. Commercial banks will focus on development of family and women's entrepreneurship, crafts and other lines of business.
There was a solemn awarding ceremony: winners of the Best Entrepreneur of 2011 nomination won modern TV-set. 80 winners of the "Best Business Project" were given certificates entitling them to receive credits for their business.


UzReport 06.02.2012

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