Program of Additional Measures to Improve Investme...

Program of Additional Measures to Improve Investment Climate and Business Environment adopted in Uzbekistan


On April 7, 2014, a Decree of the President of Uzbekistan was adopted "On additional measures to improve the investment climate and business environment in the Republic of Uzbekistan".

This document was adopted in order to further improve business environment, to create favorable investment climate, to increase transparency of activities of government and economic management bodies, to radically improve conditions for doing business and to create new jobs in the private sector.

The Decree has approved the program of additional measures to further improve the investment climate and business environment, increase efficiency of incentives for entrepreneurial activity development for 2014-2015.

Ministries, state committees, agencies, companies, associations, local authorities are instructed within one month to post and constantly update on their official websites the information, regulating the issues of relations with business entities, with special attention to:

- mandatory publication of departmental legal and other acts (except for limited distribution documents and those containing trade secrets);

- procedure and deadlines for processing and issuing to business entities the permits, licenses, certificates and others;

- terms and cost of providing public and other services to business entities.

The State Committee for communication, information and telecommunication technologies together with the Ministry of Justice are instructed to systematically monitor the compliance with the requirements to the official websites of government agencies in relations with business entities.

The Cabinet of Ministers will carry out system monitoring over the implementation of these measures, including through regular surveys of business entities on the effectiveness of their (measures) practical implementation.

We remind you that business entities now can submit requests and complaints to state agencies and the Cabinet of Ministers through through the Single portal of online government services (my.gov.uz), or make free call to the call-center: 200-18-18.

A special interagency working group on entrepreneurship has been created in the Cabinet of Ministers for prompt and quality examination of appeals of businesses, and which is instructed to handle appeals from businesses and entrepreneurs coming through the Portal, without redirecting them to subordinate state agencies.

In addition, relevant responsible person and department are assigned to work with entrepreneurs within government bodies that interact with businesses.


UzReport 11.04.2014

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