Presentation of investment potential of Uzbekistan...

Presentation of investment potential of Uzbekistan held in Turkmenistan

UzReport 10.12.2013

     Uzbek diplomatic mission in Turkmenistan held a "round table" in the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, dedicated to the presentation of investment potential and industrial opportunities at Navoi SIEZ, Djizzak SIZ and Angren SIZ.
     According to the news agency Jahon, participants of the event familiarized with the basic provisions of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On free economic zones".
     Particular attention was drawn to the initiatives of President Islam Karimov directed to increase the investment attractiveness of the country, modernization of production facilities and ensure a comprehensive and effective use of capacities of the regions. Visitors were presented with detailed information about benefits and preferences provided for potential investors in Navoi SIEZ, Djizzak SIZ and Angren SIZ.
     Participants of the round-table were informed about the achievements of Uzbekistan in reforming and modernization of the economy, measures to ensure the growth of wealth and real income of households, job creation, further development of small business and entrepreneurship.

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