NBU works on the implementation of cloud and conta...

NBU works on the implementation of cloud and contactless technologies


Today, such services as SMS notification and e-mail, access to a personal Web / IVR-office, mobile payments is no surprise. In this regard, the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan is working on advanced cloud capabilities and contactless technologies.

This will allow customers to carry out operations directly on the smartphone. There will be no need to carry the card constantly: it is enough to bring smartphone to the reader, and all the necessary information about the client will be loaded on the smartphone. Customers for example can pay for a bus or subway ticket, or make purchases in small amounts.              

In addition, in the field of e-commerce, the bank plans such changes as serving cards of other payment systems. In collaboration with a major Korean processing company, with which the National Bank recently established a relationship, it is planned to implement reciprocal service of cards issued by banks of Uzbekistan and Korea, the development of electronic and mobile commerce, contactless payments and other.    

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