NBU Receives ISO 37001:2016 International Certific...

NBU Receives ISO 37001:2016 International Certification


A ceremonial event was held at the Head Office of NBU, marking the official presentation of the ISO 37001:2016 international certification.

The event was attended by the management of NBU, the General Auditor of CERT INTERNATIONAL LLC Riad Ibragimov, and the heads of the bank's structural departments.

Speakers highlighted that, based on the results of the audit conducted as part of the certification for compliance with the international standard ISO 37001:2016, NBU has established and continues to enhance an effective anti-corruption system.

To ensure the bank's anti-corruption management system complies with the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016, a series of measures were developed and implemented in collaboration with experts from 2021 to 2024.

From 2022 to 2024, based on resolutions by the National Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Anti-Corruption, the Anti-Corruption Agency, and the Central Bank of Uzbekistan, NBU implemented the Corruption-Free Zone project.

Within the framework of this project, a comprehensive assessment of corruption risks was conducted, and measures to mitigate these risks were defined. Additionally, training courses were organized to enhance the legal awareness and culture of bank employees, fostering an uncompromising attitude toward corruption.

For NBU, receiving this certificate marks an important step in enhancing transparency and demonstrating its adherence to ethical standards and commitment to excellence.

The certification not only confirms compliance with international standards but also emphasizes the effective anti-corruption measures implemented by the bank. This, in turn, strengthens the bank’s dedication to upholding the principles of integrity and accountability.

It was particularly noted that the ISO 37001:2016 certificate reflects the bank’s compliance with the international standard for anti-corruption management and places greater responsibility on the management to ensure and enhance transparency and openness.

In closing, it was emphasized that the continued improvement of the anti-corruption management system remains one of the bank’s top priorities.


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