National Bank provides ONLINE BANK service

National Bank provides ONLINE BANK service


Taking into account the rapid development of information technology, the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan constantly develops and implements new projects. In particular, on its official website, the bank provides a range of interactive services. The most new and high-tech among them is the service ONLINE BANK.

Information service ONLINE BANK consisting of SMS and E-mail notification, personal IVR service and Web-client, attracts customers with its convenience and reliability.

- Operational SMS and E-mail notification is a set of information services provided to individuals and legal clients of the bank by means of sending SMS-messages on a cell phone and e-mail. Every time a customer makes payment using a bank card or card account, he gets information about the transferred funds, as well as the balance in his account. The convenience of these services is in the fact that they are available to subscribers of all mobile operators, - said the chief specialist of Department of information technology Otabek Muhammadjonov.

In addition, using these services clients can receive SMS or E-mail notification about accrued interest on the deposit, new deposits or withdrawal of funds from the account.

In turn, the personal IVR service, serving as part of the information service ONLINE BANK is also very popular among the bank clients.

- Having access to the IVR service, the user can connect/disconnect notifications on the information services and monitor Bank/card account, request information about past transactions, receiving an answer in the form of SMS messages. I would also like to note that access to personal IVR-Cabinet is protected by a PIN code, - added Otabek Muhammadjonov.

The information service ONLINE BANK also includes a personal Web-office, which allows to monitor the status of the card account online regardless of the country of residence and time of day.



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