National Bank has supported the company specialize...

National Bank has supported the company specialized on production of glass products

Uzbekistan's economy is showing steady growth year by year. Due to the effectiveness of the ongoing economic reforms, a number of businesses are rapidly growing. In this regard, the banks of the republic play an important role, which by allocating loan funds provide significant support to small businesses and private entrepreneurship. The National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the leader in this direction. One of the companies that started its activity using the loans allocated by the National Bank became "CLASS SHINE". "CLASS SHINE", which operates in the industrial zone of  Sergeli district of the capital is specialized in the production of reusable glass products. It produces glass jars for food products, as well as bottles of perfume. In 2012, the company received funds in the amount of $ 289 thousand, through  from credit line provided by China's State Development Bank. These funds were utilized for the purchase of equipment within the signed import contracts between LLC "CLASS SHINE" and Chinese "GUANGZHOU FORTUNA IMP & EXP TRADING CO., LTD". Thereby the production of demanded in the domestic market competitive glass products was started. It should be noted that the company «CLASS SHINE» intends to further expand its activities. To achieve these goals, the company hopes for further support of the National Bank.  


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