Modern, Efficient and Convenient Mini-technologies

Modern, Efficient and Convenient Mini-technologies


      International specialized exhibition-sale of mini technologies and compact equipment Uzbekistan Agrominitech Expo 2012 opened at Uzexpocenter.
     It is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade, the Chamber of Commerce and the Association of farms of Uzbekistan.
     At the international exhibition, traditionally held in accordance with the resolution of President about measures on organization of the International specialized exhibition-sale of mini technologies and compact equipment for agriculture of 24 August 2006, farmers will be able to see and buy modern equipments and technologies.
     More than 220 firms from 30 countries represent their products and services at the current exhibition and sale, among them are China, Germany, Israel, Italy, Poland and France.
     They show modern and cost-effective mini equipments for production and processing of fruits and vegetables, meat and dairy products, flour and animal feed production, mini-technologies for horticulture and viticulture, unpacking and packing machines, chemicals for protection of plants, equipments for astrakhan sheep breeding and skin processing as well as organization of greenhouse farms.
     On the first day, the heads of farms, agricultural firms and small businesses of Sirdarya, Tashkent and Jizzakh regions visited the exhibition. Here, specialists of commercial banks, leasing and insurance companies give the necessary advice on the favorable terms of financing purchases. It is planned to provide assistance in execution of contracts and delivery of the purchased equipments to any region of Uzbekistan.
     Ensuring the competitiveness of goods and establishment of processing and packaging of products play an important role in enhancing the export potential of agro-industrial complexes of the country.
The numbers of foreign companies taking part in this traditional exhibition and sale, held since 2006, is growing year after year.
     Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan U.Rozukulov attended the opening of the international specialized exhibition-sale of mini technologies and compact equipment Uzbekistan Agrominitech Expo 2012.

UzA,  28 May 2012


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