In the I half of this year more than 11 thousand students received loans worth 35.7 billion soums
The press conference, in which representatives of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan told journalists about the provision of student loans was held in Tashkent.
As was emphasized at the conference, the commercial banks are active in the financial support of young people for their education. So, for the past four and a half year, the country's banks have allocated student loans for more than 72 thousands of students totaling over $ 225 billion soums. For the first 6 months of this year 11,106 students received student loans in the amount of 35.7 billion soums.
It was noted during the event that the student loans for undergraduates are given for up to 10 years, for master degree students - up to 5 years with the inclusion to these terms the period of studying in higher educational institutions.
Furthermore, orphans, inmates of orphanages "Mehribonlik" get interest-free loans. In turn, the other categories of the population are provided loans at a floating rate of interest not exceeding the current refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the amount of 9% per annum.
In addition, students from low-income families pay 50% of the amount of interest payments for the loan, provided from the State Fund for Employment and Social Protection of regional centers to promote employment and social protection.
Moreover, in accordance with the paragraph 31 of Article 179 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the amounts of wages and other incomes of parents directed to pay for education or training of children under the age of twenty-six years in higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan are not taxed.
During the press conference, representatives of the Central Bank also spoke about the necessary documents which are required to obtain a student loan. In particular, the borrower submit the application for student loan to a commercial bank, issued in the prescribed manner an agreement (contract) for education on a fee-based contract between the student and the higher education institution. The reference from the place of residence of the borrower and the document on security for the repayment of the loan are also required. Applications with a full package of documents are considered by the bank during 10 working days.
Thus, educational loans granted by commercial banks of the country, contribute to the support of younger generation for obtaining higher education and increase the number of skilled workers in the country.