Enormous potential of Uzbekistan in the oil and ga...

Enormous potential of Uzbekistan in the oil and gas industry

UzA, 15 May 2013

      The 7th International Exhibition Oil and Gas Uzbekistan - OGU 2013 opened at the UzExpoCenter National Exposition Centre.
     It is organized by Uzbekneftegaz national holding company, the Ministry of foreign economic relations, investments and trade of Uzbekistan, Chamber of commerce and industry, Tashkent city administration, ITE Uzbekistan company jointly with ITE Exhibitions & Conferences (UK), ITE China (China), GIMA (Germany) international companies.
     At the opening ceremony it was highlighted that the sweeping reforms, carried in Uzbekistan under the leadership of President Islam Karimov, to develop all areas of the economy, including the oil and gas sector, are yielding good results. The oil and gas industry is one of the leading sectors of the economy. Uzbekistan is one of the major producers of natural gas in the world. Over the last twenty years the oil and gas industry of Uzbekistan has undergone radical transformation. Our country has become a major exporter of natural gas, refined petroleum products and polyethylene.
     At the initiative of President Islam Karimov a special attention is paid to the liberalization of the economy, creation of a favorable investment climate for  economic development in all areas, including the oil and gas sphere.      Construction of new buildings, renovation and modernization of existing ones, based on current requirement, have been continuing. Favorable conditions, opportunities and incentives to improve production efficiency, to increase the share of domestic products in Uzbek market, to expand localization, develop cooperation between enterprises. At present, the domestic plants carry out oil refining, production of gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, petroleum oils, bitumen, jet fuel. Gas processing plants serve in the further expansion of the production of liquefied gas and polyethylene.
     - Oil and Gas of Uzbekistan international exhibition has enormous scientific and technological relevance, - said the chief specialist of Uzbekneftegaz national holding company Sanjar Berdiev. - This forum expands international cooperation in the field, further strengthens existing ties and develops investment activity. Our company implemented 475 projects in 2008-2012, as a result of which 19.9 million cubic meters of natural gas, 126.8 thousand tons, 717.5 thousand tons of gas condensate and 69.1 million tons of propane-butane fraction were additionally produced. Based on the introduction of innovative projects 126.5 tons of 36 innovative products were produced. Our company has signed 120 contracts worth 9.5 billion soums at the republic fairs of innovative ideas, technologies and projects, held in our country since 2008. We also intend to sign prospective contracts at this exhibition.
     There are more than one hundred and sixty companies from almost thirty countries, such as Uzbekistan, China, Austria, USA, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Germany, Denmark, South Korea, Italy, Poland, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, France participating at the exhibition.
     The exhibition will also host an international conference on "Foreign investments and modern technologies in the oil and gas sector of Uzbekistan."
     Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan G.Ibragimov spoke at the opening ceremony.

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