During the next two years Uzbekistan plans to attract grants worth $975.35 million
On 11 July the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a Resolution "On measures for attraction of grant funds of donor countries, international and foreign governmental and non-governmental organizations during 2014 - 2016".
The document was adopted in order to organize systematic work on attraction of grant funds for the implementation of priority projects in the development of economy branches and social sphere.
The Resolution approved the list of projects for 2014, previously agreed with donor countries, international and foreign governmental and non-governmental organizations. It includes 88 projects worth over $243.2 million, approximately $238.4 million are funded at the expense of donors, and over $4.8 million are co-financed from the Uzbek side.
In addition, the Resolution also approved the list of projects for 2014-2016. This list comprises another 88 projects worth $383.7 million, approximately $351.7 are funded from donor countries, more than $32.0 million from the Uzbek side.
The Resolution also approved the consolidated list of priority projects offered for donors for financing and co-financing. This list consists of 291 projects with a total value of over $348.3 million. Over $323.6 million is expected to be financed at the expense of donor countries, and about $24.6 million from the Uzbek side.
Thus, in 2014-2016 Uzbekistan plans to attract $975.348 million of grant funds for the implementation of 467 projects.