During 5 months of this year, Uzbekistan has produ...

During 5 months of this year, Uzbekistan has produced building materials on 1.36 trillion soums


    In January-May of this year, industrial enterprises of building materials produced to 1359.6 billion soums or 107.5% to the corresponding period of 2012.
    Comparing to the previous year large industrial enterprises of the republic increased production of such products as soft roofing materials (3 times compared to January-May 2012), ready-mixed concrete (2.7 times), dry construction mixtures (148.1%) , ceramic tiles for interior wall facing (147.5%), enriched kaolin (146.4%), asphalt (130%).
    At the same time increased production of sandwich panels (130.3%), gypsum (126%), asbestos cement (112.6%), acid-resistant and refractory bricks (109.1%), pre-cast concrete structures and components (107.5 %), cement (102.1%).
    Along with listed building materials production increased by 3.1tmes fold in the gravel, gypsum by 54.3%, limestone 33%, according to the information of the State Statistics Committee Information Service.

UzReport 20.06.2013

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