CB: total capital of banks over the past 13 years ...

CB: total capital of banks over the past 13 years increased by more than 43 times


The Central Bank of Uzbekistan hosted the event under the motto: "You are unique, you are dear to me, my dear Uzbekistan!" which took place in "Turkistan" Palace. It was attended by representatives of the Association of Banks of Uzbekistan, Women's Committee, joint-stock commercial bank "Qishloq Qurilish Bank", as well as businessmen and foreign experts. The participants of the meeting in detail spoke about the development of the banking sector during the year of independence of our country.

As was noted at the event, currently in our country there are 26 commercial banks, as well as 847 of their branches, more than 4 thousand 294 mini-banks and special funds, which provide high-quality banking services to the population and legal entities. If in 2010 the number of commercial banks with a rating "stable", received by international rating agencies was 13, now all domestic banks have a positive rating from leading international rating agency such as: «Fitch Ratings», «Moody's» and «Standard & Poor's». The meeting also emphasized that over the past 13 years, the total capital of banks increased by more than 43 times, including by the last 6 months – by 4.4 times. In addition, in the first half of 2015 the volume of the total capital of the banking system compared with the same period of the last year rose to 24.3%. As a result, the capital adequacy ratio comprised 23.74%. It is worth to note that this indicator has exceeded the standards set by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision by three times. Along with this, the level of the current liquidity of the banking system over the years exceeds 64.58%, which is twice more than the minimum level established by international standards.

Participants also noted that the success achieved in the banking sector is the consistent implementation of the tasks defined in the decrees and decisions of the Head of our State.



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