Banks of Uzbekistan to allocate 104.5 billion soum...

Banks of Uzbekistan to allocate 104.5 billion soums to the population for acquisition of household appliances of domestic manufacture


The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of April 17, 2012 'On additional measures to improve the social conditions of families' approved forecast parameters of production of household appliances by domestic manufacturers in 2012-2014 and the establishment of public laundries in arrays for individual housing construction in 2012. The volumes of consumer credits granted by commercial banks to the population to purchase household goods were approved.
The package of measures under the state program 'Year of the Family' is aimed at expanding the existing capacities of domestic production of household appliances, consumer crediting of families with durable goods and improvement of social conditions for women through establishment of public laundries, the document notes.
Enterprises specializing in automotive production, electrical engineering and aviation industry, manufacturing products with high added value, within three years will produce 283.5 thousand refrigerators, 106.6 thousand gas stoves, 33 thousand washing machines, 341.2 thousand TV-sets, 53 thousand vacuum cleaners, 74 thousand microwave ovens and other household appliances. Among them are the JSC Sino, PC Pontegreyn, LLC Ferette electronics (household refrigerators), Fergana plant of gas equipment and branch enterprise Eko Elektron (household gas stoves), JV Zenith Electroniks and LLC Sta -Plast (washing machines), JV Zenith Electroniks and OJSC Foton (TV-sets), JV White Machine technology (vacuum cleaners), JV Neo San light (microwave ovens and air conditioners), Uzelektroapparat-Electroshit (electric irons), etc.
Aspirations of local producers to manufacture popular products with high consumer properties are supported by the government in terms of sales.
It is predicted that under the state program 'Year of the Family' in 2012-2014 commercial banks in Uzbekistan allocate the population of Uzbekistan 104.5 billion soums of consumer loans for the purchase of electrical household appliances. Such loans of up to 50 times the minimum wage will be issued for up to three years in a simplified mechanism with providing only copies of passport, certificate of employment on wages, as well as the collateral for the loan, including guarantee of third parties. At the same time interest rates on consumer loans allocated will be set in an amount not exceeding the rate of refinancing of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This year, it is scheduled to issue 30 billion soums of  credits to the country's population.
Another banking service will be further developed, a service that promotes consumer demand. The banks will develop and approve the internal regulations governing the procedure for granting an overdraft on microprocessor plastic cards of natural persons – employees, banks' corporate clients, with registration at provision of a copy of the passport, salary certificate and corporate client guarantees on obligations of its employees.
Particular attention is paid in the document to construction, reconstruction and equipping public laundries at built arrays for individual housing construction at own expense of businesses, as well as loans from commercial banks and other financial institutions. The aim is to facilitate women's work, creation of opportunities for more efficient use of time in active social, cultural, and economic activities, education of children.
In 2012 the country will create 75 public laundries. To do this, commercial banks in the country are recommended to open special credit lines for loans and provision of leasing services to business entities for the purchase of washing machines and other technological equipment necessary for laundry services.

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