A Modern Look of the Graceful Ferghana

A Modern Look of the Graceful Ferghana


     President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov visited the Feghana region on June 26 to enquire into the course of socio-economic reforms, creative and beatification works carried out in the province.
     Owing to its rich natural resources, the diversified manufacturing industry and the modern transport and communications structure, the Ferghana region is assigned a special role in the development of our nation. The economic potential of the province has been instrumental in marshaling the reforms across all walks of life.
     The production rate of the gross regional product in the first quarter of the current year reached 107.6 percent. Steady growth rates have been successfully ensured in the manufacturing industry, agriculture, services sector as well as in the implementation of investment projects.
     Contemporary manufacturing industries have enjoyed consistent advancement. The existing enterprises are being modernized, while new ones are set up to produce goods competitive in the external markets. As a result of the extensive support for businesses manufacturing export-bound produce and the enhanced assistance to small business and private entrepreneurship entities in launching and sustaining exports, the overall capacities and potential of the region has been on the rise on this front. Goods worth 120.5 million US dollars were exported in the first quarter of 2014.
     Positive transformation in the province can be encountered right at the arrival in the city. The new terminal at the Ferghana International Airport is indicative of the wide-ranging creative endeavors in this part of the nation. Reviewing this building, the President of the country recommended that the efforts be carried on to further improve and perfect the facility, create cutting-edge comforts and conveniences for passengers.
     The Feghnara people have from ancient times valued highly the arts and culture. 4 theaters and 14 museums, as well as 1,628 libraries and information-resource centers with rich book stocks operate currently in the region.
     At the 14 December 2012 extraordinary session of the Ferghana regional Kengash (Council) of people’s deputies, the head of our state outlined a number of tasks to turn Ferghana into an even more fine-looking and unique city, and to create worthwhile conditions for the local population. Within this past brief span of time, extensive construction and ingenious endeavors have been evident here.
     A thousand-seat Palace of Arts has been erected and commissioned in the region’s administrative center – the city of Ferghana. 10 thousand saplings of decorative trees and shrubberies have been planted in the area adjacent to the new Palace of Arts, and a shady alley has been laid. Modern color-music fountains not only gladden the eye, but they also refine the micro-climate in the area.
     President Islam Karimov enquired into conveniences created in the Palace of Arts for spectators.
     The doors and columns of this spacious and bright palace are decorated in the national style. Everything comfortable is there in the auditorium of the building.

     According to the leader of Uzbekistan, when constructing new facilities, it is necessary to pay a particular attention to every detail, because these facilities should serve for decades to our posterity, as well.
     A similarly magnificent building has been erected beside the Palace of Arts – a complex of water sports. It houses a swimming pool, a training hall and a gym, and children are going in for such sports as swimming, synchronized swimming, water polo.
     The head of our state talked with children spending their time here, and inquired about their studies and plans for the future.
     The President of our country said sports harden the human being, strengthen the willpower. The man of will sets out grand goals and reaches them for sure. We will spare neither strength nor resources for the children of Uzbekistan to make high achievements not only in sports, but also in other walks of life. After all, we have never been inferior to anyone in anything, and that is going to be the case forever.
     Persistent have been the efforts in the region to construct sports complexes, children’s schools of music and arts. In particular, 14 sports complexes and gyms, children’s schools of music and arts are being erected thanks to the Fund for the Development of Children’s Sports. They have all been provided with state-of-the-art equipment and hardware.
Islam Karimov awarded the children with sporting accessories.
     On the initiative of the leader of the country, our cities have been advancing and perfecting on the basis of general urban planning schemes. That can be seen in the case of towns like Samarkand, Bukhara, Andijan, Namangan, Termez, Karshi, Urgench. Along with these cities, wide-ranging construction and inventive works have been carried out also in Kokand and Margilan, an important factor in their future development path with growing prosperity of their residents.
     In accordance with the resolution of the head of our state on measures to implement the general plan of the city of Ferghana, construct and reconstruct facilities of social and transport-utility infrastructure for the period 2012-2015, signed 15 November 2011, wide-scale innovative works are underway in the regional center. Modern enterprises, education and medical institutions, sports complexes and stadiums are being built, and roads and alleys are being laid for the comfort of locals.
     The appearance of the city of Ferghana has changed within a short period of time, President Islam Karimov suggested. When working out the general plan of the town, constructing buildings and roads, one should take into account the long-term prospects. It is imperative to lay a bypass ring road, build multilane highways, further improve communications, and boost beautification works and landscape gardening, erect modern facilities.
     Special significance is attached in our country to the promotion of sports, including football, particularly children’s and youth’s. In order to further these goals, extensive efforts are undertaken to consolidate the material and technical capacities of soccer schools, to bolster the qualification of coaches and referees.
     The stadium built in Ferghana to seat 20 thousand spectators is a brilliant example of the effectiveness of these steadfast works. Thanks to its exceptional architectural and engineering solutions and the modern looks, the stadium amplifies the splendor of the city.
     Getting familiar with the stadium, President Islam Karimov stressed the need to pay a special attention to the creation of all contemporary conditions here for sportspeople and viewers and to training young athletes, footballers in particular.

UzA, 27 June 2014

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