86% of statistical reporting submitted in electron...

86% of statistical reporting submitted in electronic form

UzReport 04.12.2013

     At the National Press Center was held a press conference on "Improvement of statistical reporting using digital signature; priorities in further introduction of interactive services".
     The event was organized by the State Committee on Statistics and Chamber of Trade and Commerce of Uzbekistan.
During the conference, it was noted that great attention is paid in our country to introduction and further development of information and communication technologies in all spheres, especially in the work of government bodies. In recent years, government bodies have been equipped with computers, local and corporate networks and information resources systems have been created.
     At present, the State Statistics Committee, through its official resource www.stat.uz provides 6 basic and 4 additional online government services.
     The basic services are: provision of data on basic macroeconomic figures of the country, information about enterprises and organizations in Unified state register, application forms for statistical reporting and others.
Additional services: provision of data on methodology of statistical data manipulation, information on time series and demographic data since 1991 and examination of petitions, complaints and suggestions from citizens on statistics.
     Among interactive services - collection and processing of state statistical reports.
     We remind that in order to further liberalize the economy and fundamentally improve the business climate, in 2012 the President of Uzbekistan signed a Decree "On measures to fundamentally reduce statistical, tax, financial reporting, license types and licensing procedures".
     This document puts the task before the government bodies, by the end of 2014, to fully shift to the electronic system of statistical, financial and tax reporting.
     In this regard, the State Statistics Committee has developed and introduced an Automated Information System e-Stat, which facilitates preparation, filling-in and submission of state statistical reports to state statistics bodies in electronic form.
     As a result of introduction of e-Stat, the share of reports submitted in electronic form is growing rapidly year on year. If in 2011, its share was only 4.0% of the total number of reports, in 2012 - 26.5%, and in the III quarter of this year it reached 86%.
     Development of interactive services, ease of their use and accessibility to any visitor of the site makes the work of government bodies more open, and procedures for interaction with the public and business entities more transparent.

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