Center for the Analysis of Global Markets, Investments and Technologies
Director of the Center:
Dr. A. Raimbaev
100019, Tashkent, ul. G. Gulyamova, 1
Tel.: (+998 71) 232-09-68
Fax: (+998 71) 232-09-68
About the Center
In order to ensure an in-depth analysis of the world markets, to study advanced technologies of developed countries and to develop detailed recommendations on investment activities for specific sectors of the domestic economy, as well as efficient organization of preparation of economic and technological assessment in the formation of investment projects, a Cabinet of Ministers resolution № 143 of 05/05/2016 was passed to create Center for the Analysis Of Global Markets, Investments And Technologies. Today the Center plays a vital role in implementing innovations into the Bank’s operations, serves as its “think-tank” and makes its strategic goals to provide the sustainable development of the NBU.