The power of trust
National Bank of Uzbekistan (NBU) provides short-term loans for working capital replenishment at the expense of the NBU’s own funds and foreign credit lines attracted by the NBU to finance the purchase of raw materials, components and other acquisitions related to continuous activities of organizations.
Loan term: up to 18 months, depending on the type of the activity and financing
Amount: not limited
Interest rate:
Loans in national currency at the expense of the NBU’s own funds
For production activities: 21%
For retail activities: 21%
Loans in foreign currency at the expense of the NBU’s own funds: up to 7.5%
Loans in foreign currency at the expense of foreign credit lines: individually for each project up to 8%
It is also proposed by NBU, within the framework of the general loan agreement to establish a credit line for working capital replenishment. This type of financing makes it possible within the framework of a credit line to reuse the funds that are currently needed to replenish working capital.
In this case, the amount of collateral must be at least 125% of the amount of established LOC. The term of the general agreement is up to 5 years wherein, the term of each loan issued within the LOC should be no more than 18 months.
Latest site update date: 16.1.2025 12:41:32
License of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 22 dated Dec. 25, 2022
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