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The issues of Uzbek-German economic cooperation were considered

24.12.2012 2326

There was held an event organized by the diplomatic mission of Uzbekistan in Germany in cooperation with the Center for business cooperation with Central and Eastern European countries at the Ministry of economy of land of Rhineland-Palatinate (CBC-CEE) in Germany, dedicated to the Uzbek-German economic cooperation.
Opening the event executive Director of CBC-CEE Y.Ratmann noted that Uzbekistan is one of the attractive partner for the representatives of business rounds of the land of Rhineland-Palatinate, some of which currently operate their activity in our country. According to him, today there is a growing interest is seen in further enhancing bilateral trade and economic cooperation.
- The desire of the leadership of Uzbekistan to promote small business and private entrepreneurship, creation of favorable conditions for foreign investment have been clearly demonstrated in the Tashkent international conference 'About the role and importance of small business and entrepreneurship in the implementation of socio-economic policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan' that was held on 12-14 of September of current year - he said in his speech.
State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy, environment, energetics and regional development of the land of Rhineland-Palatinate U.Hyuzer drew attention of participants to the fact that Uzbekistan, along with a huge human and natural resources, tourism opportunities, has great economic potential, seeking to expand business cooperation with foreign countries.
He noted that the Rhineland-Palatinate, the base of economy of which is the subjects of small and medium business is ready for close cooperation with Uzbekistan, reports IA 'Jahon'.
State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy also highly appreciated the attention given to the development of renewable energy sources (RES), implementation of the appropriate project, regardless of the available natural energy resources. In his view, this opens up new possibilities for close cooperation between business circles of the region of Rhineland-Palatinate, which has a modern 'know-how' and innovative technologies in the field of renewable energy.
In summary, U.Hyuzer stressed that cooperation with Uzbekistan, identified as one of the priorities of small and medium-sized business activity of the land of Rhineland-Palatinate.
In its turn, the Uzbek side briefed the participants on the achievements of Uzbekistan during the years of independence on the basis of the 'Uzbek model' of the development which Is being done through activities in the country democratic, judicial and socio-economic reforms, measures to modernize the economy, technical and technological re-equipment industries, encourage and foreign direct investment, activities of FIEZ 'Navoi' and SIZ 'Angren” in the republic.
It was emphasized that the basis for the construction of the country's legal and democratic state with a socially-oriented market economy, the creation of a strong civil society, the implementation of major reforms, strengthening of peace, harmony and tolerance, and, as a result, modern sustainable and dynamic development of Uzbekistan is adopted exactly 20 years ago the country's constitution.
Together it was noted that the developed by the head of state and is being actively implemented at present time, 'The Concept of further deepening of democratic reforms and formation of civil society in the country', opens a new stage of development of the state and society, being and thoroughly thought out strategy for further change in Uzbekistan.
The head of the representation of the German economy in Central Asia and Kazakhstan Y.Hech said that Uzbekistan is a key state with huge potential in the region, which from the first years of independence, attaches great importance to the diversification of its economy.
According to the representative of the German economy, such an important industries of Uzbekistan as, the chemical, petrochemical, electrical, textile and pharmaceutical, as well as engineering, manufacture of construction materials, tourism and others are the spheres for the development of a successful business - partnership.   
In his speech Y.Hech touched the issues of environmental protection, efficient use of water resources in the production of agricultural and other products.
In conclusion, he noted that attendance of numerous specialized international events at the republic is an excellent opportunity for business leaders of Germany to get acquainted with a huge potential of Uzbekistan.


UzReport 24.12.2012


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  • Для передачи права распоряжения своим вкладом третьему лицу необходимо иметь доверенность, заверенную через Нотариальную контору.
  • Нет. Онлайн-вклад закрывается через приложение.
  • Капитализация - это добавление начисленных процентов к основной сумме вклада.
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