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XVJ missiyasi: 2015-yilda iqtisodiy o'sish, kutilganidek yuqori bo'ladi

18.05.2015 2977


Xalqaro valyuta jamg‘armasining janob Raji Almarzoki rahbarligidagi missiyasi 2015-yilning 29-aprel – 12-may kunlari IV Moddaga muvofiq, 2015-yilgi maslahatlar o‘tkazish uchun Toshkentda bo‘ldi. 

Raji Almarzoki missiya ishi yakunlari to‘g‘risida quyidagicha bayonot berdi:

“O‘zbekiston iqtisodiyoti Yevropa va Rossiyadagi iqtisodiy faollikning sustligi, shuningdek, neft narxi pastligi bilan ifodalanadigan murakkab tashqi sharoitda ham o‘z barqarorligini namoyon etmoqda. 2014-yilda iqtisodiyotning o‘sish sur’atlari 8,1 foizni tashkil etdi va bunday yuqori o‘sish sur’atlari saqlanib qoldi. 2015-yilning birinchi choragida yalpi ichki mahsulot 7,5 foiz o‘sdi. Davlat tomonidan katta hajmda investitsiyalar sarflanayotgani va gaz eksportini Rossiyadan Xitoyga qayta yo‘naltirish strategiyasi ushbu bosqichda mamlakat iqtisodiyotini mintaqaning boshqa davlatlarida ro‘y berayotgan sekinlashishdan himoya qildi. Tashqi iqtisodiy mavqe mustahkamligicha qolmoqda, ammo joriy operatsiyalar hisob-kitobi bo‘yicha profitsit hajmi kamaygan. 

XVJ xodimlari tomonidan iste’mol narxlari indeksini hisoblashning muqobil uslubi asosida hisoblab chiqilgan yillik inflatsiya darajasi 2015-yilning mart oyini ham qo‘shganda bir raqamli ko‘rsatkichgacha pasaydi va taxminan 9 foizni tashkil etdi.

Soliq-byudjet siyosati har doimgidek puxta amalga oshirilmoqda. 2014-yilda birlashtirilgan byudjetda kichik profitsit yuzaga kelgandan so‘ng, 2015-yilning birinchi choragi yakunlari bo‘yicha byudjet ijrosi muvozanati ta’minlandi. Bu byudjetda ko‘zda tutilganidan kam mablag‘ sarflangani bilan bog‘liqdir. Investitsiyalar hamon davlat xarajatlarining muhim tarkibiy qismi bo‘lib qolmoqda. 

Pul-kredit siyosati ham moslashuvchanlik darajasida saqlanib turibdi. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Markaziy banki 2014-yilning yanvar oyidan asosiy stavkani, qayta moliyalashtirish stavkasini 12 foizdan 9 foizga tushirdi. Iqtisodiyotda kreditlar hajmi yuqoriligicha qolmoqda. O‘zbek so‘mini almashtirish kursining pasayish sur’atlari O‘zbekistonning savdo sheriklari bo‘lgan mamlakatlar valyutasiga nisbatan ancha past. 

Bank sektori barqarorlik, izchil kapitallashuv va yuqori likvidlik darajasini saqlab qolmoqda. 2014-yilda garov ta’minotini ro‘yxatga olishning markazlashtirilgan tizimi joriy etilgani moliyaviy resurslardan foydalanishni kengaytirish imkonini berdi. 

Kelgusi istiqbol haqida so‘z borganda, shuni aytish kerakki, 2015-yilda iqtisodiy o‘sish, kutilganidek yuqori bo‘ladi. Bunga yaqinda qabul qilingan sanoat va infratuzilmani modernizatsiya qilish, shuningdek, tarkibiy islohotlarni amalga oshirish hamda iqtisodiyotda davlatning rolini kamaytirish imkonini beradigan xususiylashtirish va korporativ boshqaruv dasturlari samarasida erishiladi. Shunday bo‘lsa-da, qisqa muddat ichida O‘zbekistonning asosiy savdo sheriklari hisoblangan mamlakatlarda o‘sish sur’atlarining kutilganidan ham sezilarli darajada sekinlashishi bilan bog‘liq xavflarning kuchayish ehtimoli kuzatilmoqda. Valyuta zaxiralarining yetarliligi, byudjet sohasining mustahkamligi va davlat ulushi darajasining pastligini o‘z ichiga olgan salmoqli bufer zaxirasi hisobidan yuqorida keltirilgan omillar ta’sirining oldi olinadi. Tegishli iqtisodiy siyosat choralari, jumladan, soliq-byudjet siyosatining o‘rtacha yumshatilishi, qat’iy pul-kredit siyosati va moslashuvchan almashuv kursi qisqa muddatli davrda iqtisodiyotda salbiy ta’sirlarni yumshatish imkonini beradi. 

Aholi barcha qatlamlari manfaatlariga xizmat qiladigan barqaror va muvozanatli o‘sish sur’atlari xususiy sektorni izchil rivojlantirishni rag‘batlantirishga asoslangan. Bunda ishbilarmonlik muhitini yaxshilash, korporativ boshqaruv va oshkoralik prinsiplarini mustahkamlash muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Rasmiy idoralar xususiy sektorni izchil rivojlantirishning ahamiyatini yaxshi tushunadi. Rasmiy idoralarning ta’kidlashicha, valyutani nazorat qilish choralarini yumshatish, asosiy infratuzilma va xomashyo resurslaridan foydalanishni kengaytirish, xususiy mulk huquqlari himoyasini ta’minlash, litsenziya va ruxsat berishni rasmiylashtirish bilan bog‘liq tartib-taomillar, muddat va xarajatlarni kamaytirish, shuningdek, xususiy eksportchilarni qo‘llab-quvvatlash orqali xususiy sektorni rivojlantirishni rag‘batlantirishga doir qo‘shimcha chora-tadbirlar ko‘riladi. Bu boradagi qat’iy choralar xususiy sektorni rivojlantirishga yangi turtki beradi. 

Shu munosabat bilan missiya rasmiy idoralarning energiya resurslaridan foydalanish samaradorligini oshirish va tartibga solinadigan narxlarni bosqichma-bosqich oshirish orqali energiya resurslari uchun mavhum subsidiyalarni qisqartirish bo‘yicha strategiyasini, shuningdek, davlat mulki bo‘lgan 1500 dan ziyod obyektni korporativ boshqarishni mustahkamlash va xususiylashtirish to‘g‘risidagi qarorini ijobiy baholaydi. 

Rasmiy idoralarning soliq-byudjet statistikasini e’lon qilish orqali ma’lumotlar oshkoraligini ta’minlash to‘g‘risidagi qarori ham e’tiborga molikdir. Muhim iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy axborotdan foydalanish va uning sifatini yanada oshirish amalga oshirilayotgan siyosatni haqiqiy ma’lumotlarni qo‘llash yordamida mustahkamlash imkonini beradi. Shu munosabat bilan missiya rasmiy idoralarning milliy hisob-raqamlar statistikasi masalasi bo‘yicha texnik yordamni jalb etish borasidagi rejasini ma’qullaydi. 

Missiya O‘zbekistonning rasmiy idoralari va bo‘lib o‘tgan uchrashuvlarning boshqa ishtirokchilariga samimiy mehmondo‘stlik hamda samarali muloqot uchun minnatdorlik izhor etadi”.




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Правила выдачи кредитов частным лицам
Определение кредитоспособности заемщика
1.1. При выдаче кредита частному лицу банк проводит анализ кредитоспособности заемщика.
1.2. Кредитоспособность заемщика определяется на основании его финансовой и кредитной истории, а также текущей финансовой ситуации.
1.3. Для определения кредитоспособности могут быть использованы следующие критерии
Условия выдачи кредита
При выдаче кредита частному лицу банк устанавливает следующие условия:

  • сумма кредита;
  • процентная ставка;
  • срок погашения кредита;
  • график платежей

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To unblock the card, you must contact the bank branch where the card was opened  with your identity document.
SMS notification for the Uzcard card can be activated through an ATM. SMS notification for the Humo card is activated through the bank branch where the card was opened.
You can order all cards in national and foreign currency remotely using the Milliy App.
  • If you have forgotten your card PIN, please come with your identity document to the bank where the card was opened.
  • If you the card (UzCard/HUMO) is lost, you can block it yourself using the Milliy Bank App or call (78) 148-00 10 and ask the operators to block the card.
The identification procedure is carried out remotely, directly in the Milliy application itself. To do this, on the main screen in the application, click on the photo_2023-04-28_11-16-22.jpg icon in the upper left corner, and then select the “Identification” option from the menu and go through all its stages.
  • To change the phone number registered in the Milliy App, please come to the NBU branch which is convenient for you with your identity document.
  • An e-wallet is a system to store funds, as well as transfer money through an app to an account or bank card.
  • When you reset your password, you enter the "secret question answer"
Currently, the NBU offers the following international money transfers: Western Union, MoneyGram, KoronaPay, Asia Express, Contact, Unistream, Swift, as well as Sberbank.
Users of the Milliy Mobile App can receive transfers from Russia using the Sberbank Online service to an electronic wallet in national currency, to an UzCard or HUMO card of the NBU.

The transfer is made in rubles. Upon receipt on an electronic wallet or card, it is automatically converted into UZS. No additional fees are charged.
  • Visa Direct is a service for money transfer using the Milliy Mobile App to more than 50 countries of the world, including Visa cards of Uzbekistan banks.
  • identity document
  • MTCN or the tracking number
  • full name of remitter
  • country of remitter
  • expected amount of money
It is possible to remotely open, replenish and independently monitor the NBU's deposits using the Mobil App.
  • If you want to transfer the right to dispose of your deposit to a third party, you must execute a power of attorney certified through a notary office.
  • No, you don't. The online deposit can be closed through the app.
  • Capitalization is the addition of accrued interest to the principal amount of the deposit.
  • This is the deposit with no fixed withdrawal period and the depositor can withdraw the funds at any time.
- Passports of founders, director, chief accountant;
- Order for Director’s appointment;
- Certificate of state registration;
- Decision of founders;
- Licenses;
- Cadastre file/ data sheet for the collateral;
- Photo of the collateral;
- Contract with the supplier;
- Copy of the rental agreement/ certificate
- Certificate of ownership for the premises used for business;

This list is not exhaustive for loan consideration and the consideration and Bank staff may request other information and documents regarding project concerned.
Time for processing takes 1-3 days depending on the completeness of the documents submitted.
Various collateral, including real estate, motor vehicles, as well as sureties of individuals or legal entities are accepted.
Penalty-free early repayment of the loan is permitted
The period of registration of the company at the time of filing the application must be more than 6 months.
It's worth noting that insurance and collateral costs may be in addition to the principal interest for the loan. However, there are no hidden costs.
- Constituent documents of the company (charter, registration certificate).
- Documents confirming the authority of the company's representatives.
- Vehicle Purchase Agreement.
- Documents confirming ownership of the collateral property (if a collateral is required).
- Professional Consultation and Support: Our specialists are always ready to provide professional consultation and support at all stages of the process, helping clients maximize the benefits of the offered loan products.
- Flexible Terms: Option to choose the optimal term and loan amount.
- Ease of Application: Minimal document requirements and a quick application review process.
- Business support: Financing that helps to renew the car fleet
The NBU aims to ensure a fast and efficient application review process. The average review period for an auto loan application for legal entities is 3 to 5 working days.
The collateral can be the new car being purchased.
The option to purchase new vehicles from official dealers.
Time for processing takes 1-3 days depending on the completeness of the documents submitted.
Various collateral, including real estate, motor vehicles, as well as sureties of individuals or legal entities are accepted.
Penalty-free early repayment of the loan is permitted
It's worth noting that insurance and collateral costs may be in addition to the principal interest for the loan. However, there are no hidden costs.
The period of registration of the company must exceed 1 year
- Passports of founders, director, chief accountant;
- Order for Director’s appointment;
- Certificate of state registration;
- Decision of founders;
- Licenses;
- Cadastre file/ data sheet for the collateral;
- Photo of the collateral;
- Contract with the supplier;
- Copy of the rental agreement/ certificate
- Certificate of ownership for the premises used for business;

This list is not exhaustive for loan consideration and the consideration and Bank staff may request other information and documents regarding project concerned.

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